    Do you believe there is God. what makes you say that?

    +2  Views: 1090 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    Perhaps,not in the sense that you do.

    There just HAS to be, my prayers get answered in a way only God would do. He knows what is best for you…………..

    I do not use the term "believe" in reference to God. It seems so whimsey and stumbling-blind to consider your personal Creator and Father of the creation you know of as yourself, to be "believed in". I am a son of God. Everything I have ever known or will know is His loving creation. All I am is believed to be the 'right term' when you could be wrong and just seek to play along with what's happening.   


    good job, Robert. I too always thought that " do you beleive in God? ".....sounded like " do you beleive in the EAster Bunny? "
    I prefer to say , " Do you acknowledge God? " or something like that.

    There is no doubt in my mind, strengthened by my faith. 

    Sawali,  Who do you think blows life and a soul  into people and animals and trees and plants......the tooth fairy ?  And who do you think who figured out the relationship of how far the planets should be spaced apart from each other and He put the earth on it's axis at the right degree for spinning while it travels around the sun. And Sawali, who do you think made this wonderous creation.......the human body ?


    Good questions. They are the right questions. If I may add there is an eternal life after this as 'dust thou art.....'was not spoken of the soul.

    MCM: Coming down kinda hard on sawali...there's nothing in the question to suggest doubt on his part.

    Sawali seems fine with her answer. I do not see her coming down hard on him. Why are you coming down on her for questioning his question? Sawali thinks they are good questions. Is he wrong for saying so according to your rules of conversation Bob?

    Why are you targeting me, Colleen? You've been snide and taunting all day long. You know you can say whatever you want to whoever you want whenever you want, and it's too bad if somebody finds it offensive. If certain of us say something you don't like, you have the "responsibility" of suspending us, whether or not an actual rule has been broken.
    You can talk smack all day long and there's nothing anybody can do about it. Those are the rules of conversation here. You are officially harassing me.

    I had to check this out. It was reported. Just doing my job as a moderator on this one. I have not been snide and taunting all day long. I've been answering your posts directed at me in another thread. I actually haven't even been here all day long. You have not been suspended have you? You can officially report me. I think you need to go cool off.

    I'm fine, dear. Working on something here, and getting interesting feedback from the masses. Thanks for helping me with it today.

    I expected no less :)

    @Colleen, BobPKB expressed her take on the MCM response and she is entitled to that. There was no need to moderate that. MCM questioned a question and did not answer,

    Yes, Sawali, there was. I have to respond to complaints sent by e-mail. I saw no good reason for her to say what she did. Her comment was combative and demeaning to MCM.
    You switching gears after being positive about MCMs answer to now being negative about it in order to side with Bob is problematic to you only. Now do not tell me how to do my job. Only the admin can do that.


    Thank you, sawali, for grasping the true meaning of my comment. I agree with your assessment of the situation, and I am accustomed to being chastised when I comment on anything to mycatsmom.

    i asked Christ into my life and i feel and know he is there.. and if i needed more proof..i look at where i came from to where i am now,and then there is no debate..nice talking again sawali  ................................................................................................................................... 

    No, I'm afraid I don't. I've spent the entire last decade reading and researching this very idea. When my younger brother died in 2003 I began to wonder whether God truly existed and the reason that I started on this quest probably seems stupid to most people, but the reason is that my brother died after a long illness and when we went to the emergency room for the last time a chaplain took my mother, aunt and myself into the room where they had been working him. And as I stood there gazing at him I was struck by how undignified he looked on that table. I know it's ridiculous, but I though "if God was real then there would be more dignity to this and less pain", crazy I know, but that's what went through my mind. So, I began to read intensively on the subject. I read the Bible and interpretations by biblical scholars as well as biblical critics. Books by historians, anthropologist, scientist and countless others. My final take on the subject was that faith is arbitrary and requires belief without evidence and that is deluding yourself, miracles are nothing more than statistical anomalies, and most of the Bible can only be taken as symbolic because a great many things that are promoted as history never happened. For instance, there is absolutely no anthropological proof that the Jews were ever enslaved to the Egyptians and the exodus never happened. And if you want to read something really depressing check into the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And I don't mean read them, I mean read an analysis by historians and even biblical historians.

    What's necessary here is to approach the subject objectively and read all the information and not just what you know supports your beliefs. And while it's depressing when you are finished there is also a feeling of liberation. Like I said, I apologize to those this may offend, but that is my honest opinion.


    bigben, sorry about your brother. Such are the times when one questions the existance of God. But look back when a child is born and gets life and cries while people around are happy. That spark of life is from God. No science can give life. But that new born is give certain amount of time on this earth and the spark returns to God. How well the time on earth is spent is important. Look around and you see a flower with beautiful colors. Who put that color and fragrance in it? Life and death are determined events and inevitable. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Well, I understand what you're saying, but I'm afraid it's too late for me to return to a religious lifestyle. What I see when I look at children is the mystery of nature or the beauty of the cosmos. After having read all that I have I can appreciate the constant advancement of science combined with logic and reason. Science has answered most of the unexplained blank spaces in the history of the world. I can revel in the mystery of life, but I see it as finite with no afterlife. But, that to isn't necessarily bad. It makes you want to fill in your time with as much as you can and, after all, it isn't as if you're going to be feeling regret when you die or, at least I don't think so. Also, it seems to me that religion hasn't provided any real answers to explain the mysteries of life where science has. I believe that it was an attempt by primitive people to explain the unexplainable which it wasn't able to do, so the power brokers of whatever religion said, " you must have faith." And there are times we do have faith, but it is usually backed up with reason or science. As a child you had faith that your parents would take care of you, but the reason wasn't mystical, it was because they had done that since you were born which is explained by psychology. No one would walk off the top of a tall building and expect to live no matter how much they prayed, unless they were delusional, because science tell us that the outcome would be catastrophic. The Bible is great literature, but it was written by ancient people for ancient people. That's not to say it doesn't have value on an ethical scale. But, it's a complex tome and was written over a very long period of time and by a lot of different people. Too, as it was translated into different languages and rewritten by scribes a lot of it was changed to make it conform more exactly to the messages it contained or mistranslated.
    And there are some things that religions changed that most people aren't even aware of. For example, most of the civilizations that predate the Bible were matriarchal, in other words, run by women. They were seen as the primary source of life and therefore had most of the power. With the advent of organized religions the relationship gradually changed and societies became patriarchal and the rules of the church were used to relegate women to the level of second class citizens and we men have proceeded to screw things up ever sense. Anyway, I've tried to be careful of peoples sensibilities as I've written my answers, but I see organized religion as more of a hindrance to societies than a help.

    bigben, whether to believe in spiritual power or almighty as is said, is an individual choice. But over riding our conduct is the power of intellect. It tells you to diffrenciate between right and wrong and you make the choice. Correct use of intellect in itself a strength. Using that you can interpret the scripture's spirit and guidance.

    I agree. That's where logic and reason come in and I also made the comment in one of these long answers that I seem to write that the Bible does provide moral guidance and a system of ethics. So, I guess we are saying the same thing, except for the supernatural being.

    Ben, sympathies to you, do whatever helps to heal you, and is right for you!

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