    Do you contribute regularly to a favorite "cause"?

    Contributions aren't always in the form of a check. Sometimes we can donate materials or time. 
    St. Jude's Children's Hospital is one cause I've committed to supporting, as well as a no-kill animal shelter here in Fresno.  Occasionally, I participate in a fundraiser, and plan to Walk For The Cure in late September. If I sent a check to every solicitor, I'd run out of checks in less than a month. 

    +5  Views: 931 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    As a matter of fact we do.MS Qld mainly but also to an organisation currently searching for a cure.



    Definitely near and dear to your hearts. Let's hope the cure is in the very near future!

    When the firemen are on the streets holding out a boot for charity, I throw in  buck. Firemen are cute, fit, mannerly and honest……...


    LOL. I know you like the AFD :D

    They can give me a firemans lift anytime,

    Yes we do, United Way, Salvation Army, Big Sisters, Shriners, school fund-raisers, and the Grange.  Not as much now that we have retired, but what we can afford.  I study the annual report to check the allocation of funds for the charity, and the operational costs (some CEO's of "non-profits" are millionaires!).  Some of the charities are fraudulent, especially animal causes, and relief of children from other countries.  I support locally as much as possible! 


    ASPCA recently sent a request, telling me they can feed 2 dogs for $30/month. Those dogs must eat better than my two, because I feed them on $30 for about six weeks, and I but them respectable food. Dry, but respectable.

    Yes but only to well known organizations who don't pay large percentages of their donations toward "administrative costs." Sadly we've had two local "reputable" organizations in our community, in the past five years, who were embezzled by their trusted administrators. That forces me to be even more cautious and informed!


    Those people have hurt so many with their greed. The prison terms for them should be in a place like Arizona, reminiscent of "Holes" (a great book and movie).

    As I recall, their punishment was minimal.

    Most of those white collar felons barely feel the punishment. Cushy prison digs, too.

    I saw that movie

    I give to Salvation Army, my local Humane society, Best Friends in Utah(animal shelter)  Guiding Eyes for the blind & a local cancer society.  Phone solicitors drive me nuts! I am now going to refuse any phone requests. Maybe peace will come! Ha Ha!


    Same here, clu. When someone calls for a donation, I always tell them to send me something in the mail so I can check it out and decide. REALLY don't like phone calls asking for money.

    homeless people, and musical instruments for kids.


    Do you give money to the homeless or ???

    I hope you don't just hand cash to homeless people. It won't go for food, clothing or shelter. (Where I live there are organizations to help the homeless but they are screened first and the org. will buy them food or assist with living arrangements so the money is not wasted.) The homeless often turn that offer down!

    I haven't given cash since I watched money I gave someone get handed right over to a guy who exchanged it for a small plastic bag.

    I watched someone else hand over the money...two different occasions. Once it walked right into a bar, 10 feet away. Another time it walked into the casino!

    We learned real quick.


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