    were can i get a dog free

    where can i get a small dog free

    +1  Views: 713 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    Try your local animal shelter. Most rescue places charge a fee of at least $100.00 now. This deters people looking for dogs who just want to use them as bait dogs. 


    Some shelters near me sometimes offer older dogs to seniors at very reduced fees. Sometimes this will include free care and some food for the animal.

    I think they trust seniors to not be dog fighters. ;) I like the idea though. Match age with age. Older dogs are hard to place but for a senior, he/she is just right.

    I agree If I ever need a new dog this will be my choice. Love the dogs!!

    Wait for “puppy season” and go to your local grocery store. People are often giving away pets there. Or check your local newspaper, free pets are often posted there. But first, keep you local animal shelter in mind.  The animal will be euthanized unless adopted. They most often come already “fixed” and with their first  shots. We got two cats for $19 each……...


    Keep your eyes and ears open at work. There may be someone who's dog is preg and going to deliver any time now. So, the family will be begging people to take the puppies. That's what happened when my step-daughter's dog got preg several years ago. And my friend, Sherry got a puppy for her kids, b/c her husb knew someone that was trying to give away a bunch of puppies.

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