    Has anyone tried solar lights in there yard, garden and/or patio?

    +3  Views: 1052 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    Yes we have them all over the place, in fact my wife put them either side of the pathway in our back garden, so many in fact I'm expecting a jumbo jet to land one night.



    Ok ok ... I am going to get more more more of them. The only thing that will hold me back is lack of $$ and my husband. I want a jet too, sunnyB.
    You're funny. : ))

    Southend Airport is not that big anyway,sunny,

    That's what worries me Dennis, they could miss Southend, and follow my lights into my back garden. My pussies would be a bit worried if they saw that coming.

    It could happen!

    Oh, yes indeed.  My front yard is a plethora of brilliance.  A couple years ago, the solars I bought changed color from red to blue to green. They were all on their own time, no two were exactly synced.  Now I have the white lights. I have some solar butterflies and dragon flies, which I place in potted plants. I've a couple of solar frogs. There are two rather large globes on pillars that have a rainbow of colors and are gorgeous.  Finally, two slender goblet kind of things, which frame my geraniums.  If it sounds like too much, yeah, it probably is.  But I love it.    ""


    sounds great to me. Hi Bob.

    Did the managers agree to this? Maybe your fairyland yard was in another town.
    I'm not going to have my usual flowers this year because of the drought. We might be lucky to have water to water our lawns. I've seen towns where drought turned off all the outside water. Sad ... Ugly ... but absolutely necessary.
    Maybe your solar lights will be your flowers.

    I'm sure my lights bothered some of the other folks, but my next door neighbor told me he really loved the colorful lights. Sadly, he died unexpectedly. My back yard has no need for water, and I'll be asking the gardener to shut off the sprinklers to it. The few plants I've left can be watered by hand. My FRONT yard beds have a lot of volunteers...snap dragons, little violas, alyssum, desert rose, vinca, little daisy type flowers (yellow and white), petunias, along with the geraniums, ornamental grasses, and a couple of things I've actually planted. It should be a colorful mess this year, all requiring little hydration. Plant away, itsmee, just look for the plants that need little care.

    Hi tabber! I'm enjoying the questions you've been asking lately. Your questions are fun to answer, probably because they ask us to talk about ourselves. (I'll admit it)


    I have 'em. Pretty cool! They do have nicads in them that need to be replaced - so far I have replaced them once per year, had them about 4 or 5 years. 


    great thanks!

    Three of em were stolen. LOL! And I live in a nice neighborhood. I rode around the block to see who had an additional 3 solar lights. Never did find 'em. That's ok, they aren't that expensive.

    Prob some kids took em to play with them.

    I went to a cemetery in southern California and couldn't believe what I saw. There was a string of florists trucks delivering fresh bouquets -- big expensive one. I inquired at the office and the flowers were brought weekly. The cemetery was beautiful with all those fresh flowers and stations of the cross.  Must have been stars buried there. That started a hobby for a few years, I'd visit California cemeteries every week. There was a cemetary in a place where people weren't so wealthy and they hung shiny things in the trees. I wanted to make a photographic book of these fascinating places ... but alas, I didn't have a camera. Maybe someday ... I was there in the daylight so if there were solar lights, I wasn't aware of them.


    I tend to use electric lights, candles, or torches.

    Some people put them in the local cemetary here where my parents are buried.

    It freaked me out as I was driving by the cemetary at night last year. I didn't know they were solar lights. I just knew I saw strange lights in the cemetary. I think I'll get a couple for my parents' grave. I put a nice decorated cross on there- - - and Vinny, someone stole that. Stealing from the dead is disgusting. Someone stole my cute little fresh flowers I put on my loved ones' graves some years ago. I found a couple of them strewn arouond ......jsut the day after I planted them >:-|


    You are absolutely right about stealing from cemeteries. A few years ago, a woman was stealing the small potted poinsettia plants that are placed on graves during the holiday season. She was caught selling the plants on a corner not far away. Seriously disgusting. Fresno flowers on the graves around here are removed on a weekly basis. The artificial ones can remain indefinitely.

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