6 Answers
Being kind and helpful to people can make you famous but so can being nasty and confrontational. You'll probably enjoy your life more though, if you choose the first option. Or you might want to be funny, rich, president of a company, a movie star, an artist, a singer or an athlete. There are lots of ways to become famous. Why do you ask?
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
As far as I can tell right now, nothing. How to become famous?
1. Invent something fantastic and useful
2. Find the real Fountain of Youth
3. Make a You Tube video that millions of people watch
4. Become a movie star or politician
5. Become a notorious criminal. That would make you INfamous, but same thing, actually; everybody knows who you are.
6. DO something incredible, such as walk or bicycle across the United States in support of children with cancer, disabled veterans/wounded warriors, for the cure of (pick an ailment), etc.
7. Be REALLY good at something (singing, a sport, music, dance, gymnastics)
Most of the time, you need to let the media know what's up. Call your local television and radio stations, and the newspaper that provides for your area. Post yourself on Facebook with your "thing" that's going to make you famous, and other similar websites.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |