    Who is the president of United States?


    +1  Views: 1438 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago




    It's amazing how a simple question, "Who is the president of United States?", has generated so many responses!

    6 Answers



    Are we still ready for the change? No I mean for the better!

    I hope you are, as are we.

    You will soon have Independance,I Have already aplied for a visa to visit Scotland Ted,

    I'm not so confident Dougal, but I WILL be voting.

    His name is Barack Obama. He spends, spends, spends the American tax payers money and is seemingly proud of it. At the same time, he still blames George W. Bush for the financial mess. Really? We Canadians are affected by what occurs in the United States and many in Canada who watch closely (particularly economists and business people), see him as a man who has no clue about how to run a country. If it were a business, the doors would be closed by now. My personal opinion is that people who continue to praise him, must have voted for him and simply won't open their minds and "be wrong".


    Ducky do you remember the housing collapse of 2008. . . caused by deregulation and the bank. by the way have had to pay millions which the court calls e.g. well fargo doing a ponzie scheme on the citizens. chase has paid out millions as well as bank of america. bush and his buddies. get some facts from economist and all kind of other analyst that are telling us what has been going on. let's both develop an open mind. you must have voted for bush.

    As I stated in my response tabber, "We Canadians"..."many in Canada". I did not vote for Bush. I voted for Stephen Harper! I am aware of the housing collapse and I DID mention economists.) Barack Obama is a spender!

    Harper,eh ? Hmmm.

    Don't tell me that's something else that will tear us apart?

    It's more like the ONLY thing that binds us. ;-)

    I am SO relieved. You have no idea! :)

    Save the Salmon!

    Officially, Barack Obama; unofficially, Michelle Obama. ""


    "Barack's" cheeks are a little too fat. :)

    And you think there are no rich backers on the Democrat side backing?? George Soros, Just about all of Hollywood, Big CEO's here in the silicon Valley?? There's more cashflow on the democrat side than you think, not to mention ongoing dinners with Obama at $35,000 per plate. Republicans didn't want Obama to fail, they stated clearly his policies would fail, and if you don't see that now you are totally blind. He has not succeeded in any of his 'forced' policies, his foreign relations is a joke, he bows, he give recordings of his speeches to queens, this list can go on. The republicans do say no to many of Obama's agendas simply because he has no sense of economics, he spends what we do not have, with him its a serious spending problem. I drive by Solyndra everyday and reminded of 535 million that he gave away to a failed company. No apologies to the tax payers for this blunder, his way of solving problems is throw money at it.. money we don't have. Raise the debt ceiling so we can throw more money away. It's the same as you max out your credit card and then call the credit company for more credit. That really sucks! The media is all left, only fox is right. I listen to MSNBC and FOX, MSNBC's ratings is now below CNN, Fox is running on top, primarily because nobody on FOX slanders the left calling them names and talking about defecating down Sarah Palin's throat. Liberals are ruthless and their 'passive agressive' lies of hope and change, these uninformed voters don't realize it but at some time, there won't be and more free stuff to give them, then what? a riot?? Even the federal parks have signs not to feed the animals because they become dependent and when they don't get their hand outs they will attack you and steal it. And Joe Biden?? Tells people to buy a shotgun and shoot it off your patio?? Now as to your insnuation that Barack Obama is disrespected is unprecedented?? have you forgot the disrespect Bush received for the liberal media?? Have you forgotton that even to this day, the left blames Bush for anything and everything they can?? The name calling, monkey pictures, slander against GWB was fine?? Just don't say a bad thing about the 'Prince of fools' Barack Obama?? This president was placed in office my uninformed voters, he was placed in office because the African Americans wanted a black president, he was placed in office because he made dead end promises of hope and change, though none of the 'somewhat' informed voters asked what changes?? what hopes for what?? Now they know, now you have democrats by the thousands that are drifting away from Obama. republicans do not want to see hungry kids, republicans want these kid's parents to find a job, teach their kids what pride is all about, not teach them to depend on the g'ment to pamper them. Liberals are in fact guilty, they are the ones that will cause these starving kids to turn to violence to get what they want, not unlike the animals in the park, quit feeding them, they will turn on you. Your liberal media is blackballing all that is good, all that had built this country, all that we were. Now we are the laughing stock of the world, Putin laughs at us, we have Russian war ships docked in Cuba, this would never be with a stout republican president. I fear for this country, I fear for the children that are growing up in this liberal country.

    Vinny, did you mean this comment for tabber?

    Yeah... I thought -- But any liberal that wants to read it is ok with me. :)

    Tabber did see your comment to her and replied to you. If you reply to her, can you reply there and not here so she gets a alert and so we can get the conversation under one thread? Thanks :)

    Colleen one last thought on this subject. If the U>S> gets invaded it will not be Obama's fault. Almost every analyst has said president bush invaded Irack, he opened a hornets nest of terrorist. The history channel did a feature trying to figure out why bin laden and friends. It indicated that they had warned the u.s. not to scar their holy lands with what they considered unholy activity. i guess somebody did according to the history channel. i'm sure you can order a copy. after that bin laden started beating the war drums and they haven't stopped yet. we didn't even know obama then. people all over the world begged bush not to go into irak, so if we get invaded . . .

    If we get invaded it is because Obama has weakened our military and filled the house with Muslims and not the good kind of Muslims but the ones who want to push Shari'ah on us infidels. He's a card carrying member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He backs terrorism. Stop blaming Bush for Barack's actions.

    OMG!! It's the 'Blame Bush' syndrome again. Already the liberals are putting their bush defense shield up.. That's is asinine! Not to mention immature, you liberals need to stand up to your own mistakes and the mistakes of your leader. 'Top analysts??" And who would they be?? Assured some liberal organization that whelps out at every chance it was Bush's fault. Bush had congress behind him, he did not issue an executive order like your power hungry Obama. He asked permission to go to Iraq. get off of that please! Your party is the party of spin and untruths but I give them credit for their power over the people. You are victim of your own propaganda. The 'feel good approach'. They are using this against you and you are falling for it, anytime some 'preppy' MSNBC anchor says something you believe it because they use the 'feel good' approach. Open your mind and eyes, take the time to look and understand the other side with open mind.. i do this nightly. I watch MSNBC, I watch FOX-- Totally the opposite in views. I learn from both. Use your mind, not theirs. No country is perfect, the USA was never perfect but we were the country of dreams, we are now 300 million strong, why do you people on the left want to destroy this?? Leave well enough alone, quit running the people and stick to your own life. why do we need to be constantly reminded of what to eat, where to go, what to drive. The liberal takeover of this country is killing all that this country stood for.

    Bush got congressional approval for every war we were a part of during his terms. Obama did not get congressional approval to enter the Libyan war. Members of congress actually sued him for that. He bypasses congress every chance he gets by using his magic pen even going so far as to illegally bypass congress (a treasonable offense especially when it comes to wars and putting our nation and our people at risk) and you wonder why congress shows him little respect? He has NO respect for American lives! Can you say Benghazi? Or is Benghazi Bush's fault too?

    well they say President Michelle can raise a whole lot of h*ll.  And from my point of view, that's good.  The way this president has been disrespected while in office is unprecedented.  People in the media started off saying how they wanted to see him fail.  Forget about the people, just let obama fail.  And now politicians, republicans are on television shows talking about how can we change the image of us being 'the party of no'.  What's so bad about it is that republicans are very smart, rich rich backers, could help solve so many problems that are plaguing the populous, but they rather say no, no, no to rebuilding the bridges and roads and more."no no no to everything". I heard Obama has to send joe biden up on the hill because as soon as he goes up there, "no no, no".  Bainer cries after he says no to everything good for the public . . . michelle cries out to this nonsense and makes mean faces too. good for her!  cutting people off food stamps!  please!  do you know any hungry kids or people???


    The way this president has disrespected the Constitution, disrespected past presidents (his apology tour across the world apologizing for what past presidents did to other countries). One that stands out, apologizing for Reagan bombing the Iranian terrorists who abducted our people, held them hostage and said, "Come get them". Yup, Reagan (a true leader) got our people back and Obama went and apologized for that. He bows down to leaders of other nations showing his submissiveness to their strengths as leaders. He disrespects the Oval office and the people of the USA whom he represents by doing so. He continues to disrespect the citizens of this land. HIS disrespect of all people outside of the Muslim Brotherhood is unprecedented.

    “By bowing, Mr. Obama degraded and cheapened the office of the presidency; as commander in chief, he represents every American when meeting with other heads of state. He is supposed to embody the dignity of the Oval Office, reflecting our collective heritage as a self-governing, constitutional republic.” - The Washington Times

    Bowing to the Saudi King (apology tour)

    Bowing to Japanese Emperor and wife (apology tour)

    Bowing to Communist and the Red China's President Hu Jintao. (apology tour)

    Bowing to Communist Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao

    Bowing to a Florida mayor....REALLY?

    This man deserves no respect. He has thrown this country under the bus, is ignoring the US Constitution in favor of his pen, is destroying our military while showing the world what a weak and submissive leader he is. If we get attacked by any nation, it's on HIM and no one else.

    Colleen come on now. since when in human history has an apology not been the highroad way of doing things. and not to mention mending human relationships and showing humility and respect for others. please give me a break. And further more, as far as the president, the asian culture has been bowing for hundreds of years, just like queen has protocol she expects of guest visiting the palace. Bowing seems like a proper gester to me.

    Apologizing to the enemy for the US retaliating against crimes committed on our people? You accept this? I do not and as an American with pride in my country and it's values that are being lost under the reign of this currant president I WILL not. As for the Asian culture, if they bow, it is THEIR thing. They can bow to others. In our culture, a handshake will do. If Obama bowed any lower, he would be kissing their feet. The man has no pride. He's weak and shows his weakness as a leader daily. Out of all those pictures I only see Obama bowing. Even the Florida mayor is standing straight and proud. Americans do not bow. We stand tall.
    The Queen no longer stands on Pomp and Circumstance by the way and even when royals did, their equals did not bow to them nor did they bow to their equals and they would never bow to a lowly mayor.

    Please read Vinny's answer to you. He attached it to the wrong thread but you need to read it. Hopefully he can open your eyes about this man you think is so unfairly disrespected.

    Hi Vinny. Of course I do understand that there were and are plenty of rich backers for Obama, including George Soros who spent millions and millions so that Bush would not be re-elected, him suggesting it would be a disaster for the world. Obama is still digging us out the mess George left us. Reminder the thousands of jobs that were being lost under brother Bush. Obama, like pulling up a falling airplane, started adding more jobs every month. Will the wrong right give him credit for that, of course not. "The party of no, sticks to no, even with overwhelming evidence, like in the case of global warming. They refute scientists on climate change. And will stand by it until more and more houses are washed or blown away. Vinny, my point is, since the right is so rich, think how much they could help the country if they would at least practice bi-partisanship. Some members of congress have said they have never seen anything like this in our country's history. Obama's better than me because i would not have tried to talk to them as much as he did. that's why he sent joe biden up there. it's a disgrace that the right hate the president so much, they won't even do there own jobs. & many americans know it and are disgusted by this filibustering and other negative stalling behavior. and i hear them talk about how to craft a good message to convince the voting public that they stand for more than "no". They don't need a message. Most people got the message. They need an attitude adjustment. And the default, I understand that bainer was warned to stop playing with, and threatening to let america default, and the money that kind of behavior cost the tax payers was enormous. particularly, when the debt ceiling has been raised by most presidents without arguments or debate. With regard to Solyndra and the 535 million, the president has been pushing for alternative energy sources since day one, using half his energy to fight the republicans every step of the way. There is more to the Solyndra story. Will speak when i have more facts. But my point is whoever the president is, whichever party, we should try to support who is in office instead of following the behavior of a group of people who have acted like spoiled children. Exhibiting "if i can have the ball, nobody gets to play."

    Wow. Just wow. Still all Bush's fault even though we are still deeply in debt and all Obama can do is borrow more money and spend, spend, spend. Where are these thousands of jobs? No one can ever answer that question for me. 50%+ unemployment rate in this country. Our own military members are on food stamps.Millions of jobs lost because of Obamacare and no one wants it. Many can not even afford it. Millions who were insured are no longer insured and still the Obama camp pushes lies about how good it's doing and how people are being saved by it. BS! Obama is so desperate to sell this crap law that he went on an online comedy website and made a dang fool out of himself. It was embarrassing and painful to watch knowing he is the president of the USA. He's a clown and has no idea what he is doing. I was never a Bush fan but at this point, I'd rather have him back. More people were working then because there were jobs available. The left has no interest in bi-partisanship. When the right put ideas on the table, the left said, no,no, no. It's our way or the highway. People remember and it's hurting the left. It's showing in the primaries. The filibuster worked to wake up Americans who truly want change, not Obama's over spending and lack of vision. Democrats are abandoning ship. Obama did not talk to congress. He demanded. He stomped his foot and demanded and told them straight out, if you do not do it my way, I will veto anything you pass that I do not agree with. Open your eyes tabber. Stop listening to the knuckleheads who only know how to lie because their boss lies. I've quit reading what you wrote about 3/4 of the way through because I can't stand it. You sound like a talking parrot. You've brought nothing new. It's just the same ol same ol, "it's someone else's fault". A true leader accepts accountability. He does not schlep it off on the predecessor he claims to be so much better than or the underling who makes a good fall guy. Obama has done zero to help this country. ZERO. But I suppose that is Bush's fault too.

    Colleen, Wow, just wow is right. You are twisting the facts. When Bush left office the U.S. was bleeding jobs. Obama turned that around. Do you remember that??? People have pleaded with republicans to work with the president. They have never demonstrated bi-partitionship since he was president. It's ugly and disgraceful. And they are going to go down in history for that garbage. That's how the got the tag, The party of no, and right this very moment they are trying to figure out how to get people to look at their actions and call them benevolent. which they don't deserve for their actions the last several years toward the president of the greatest country in the world. shame shame on the party of no.

    Twisting facts? Have you taken a look at that your party has been doing for 6 years now? Even their unemployment numbers are not real. They forget to include seasonal help as seasonal when they claim unemployment is down. They forget to add that people who use up their unemployment benefits really are not working but they are now counted as working because they are no longer on the unemployed list because they can no longer collect unemployment. Since their name is no longer on the list, your party counts them as employed. So no, I do not remember a time ever during Obama's reign when Obama stopped the falling unemployment rates. I've only known it to speed up and now we have less people employed than during the tail end of Bush's second term. Wait and see just how many more people will lose their jobs if Obama manages to push through raising the minimum wage. Small businesses will have to let go of some of their help in order to meet the wage requirements of the few they have left. Obama only knows how to make people unemployed. But that's the democratic way. Just give everyone handouts and bailouts. Republics say, NO. Let them earn their way. You prefer everyone to be on government support? Because that is where this nation is headed unless Obama truly fixes the unemployment issue and creates real jobs that people can actually go and apply for. I can see you follow the words of the left only. Stop listening to words and look outside to the real world. The primaries held so far show that democrats are going to lose their seats. Listen to the primaries. There you will find the true voice of the people. I have signed up to all 3 parties and hear all 3. The democrats know they are in trouble. They are begging for support. The republicans and tea party just go along and do their thing. The dems are outspending both parties 3 to 1 and still they are losing. The people are speaking. They see the truths and the writing on the wall. The party of yes we will pay for everything and everyone is going down. That's the only way we can bring the welfare numbers down. Now when we get a republican president in office, watch the party of yes turn into the party of no. They did it to Bush. THEY made him look bad. A lot of Bush's policies that they REFUSED to allow were actually good policies. Again, I was never a Bush fan but I would take him today over Obama and his cronies.

    By the way, I'm not a Republican. I have my issues with that party too but right now, they have the better plans. I vote independent. That way I can vote for whoever I feel will do the better job to save this country. I just saw wonderer's comment on Obama and I have to agree. Between his drone strikes that murdered men and putting us into wars against congressional approval and allowing good Americans to die when we could have saved them and killing Navy SEALS to protect his lie that he got Bin Laden (Bin Laden had been dead for years before Obama's claim) I agree, Obama is a terrorist. When the USA gets invaded, it will be HIS FAULT.

    This thread is just a waste of my time, trying to talk to a liberal that is so brainwashed by media is just insane. As soon as I read .. Bush's fault I dropped the reading, it shows the words of the uninformed. sorry. But you can not continue blaming Bush for Obama's downfall. Obama is not a god, he is a case worker. Unknown yes! You even say that, so how in the world can you claim victory over his expertise and accomplishments when you don't know him either?? He has NOT accomplished one good thing for this nation. Unless of course, you are without job, lazy and a confirmed leach to society. Read: 'you want free stuff' (this is a generalization, not a direct attack on you.' I refuse to read everything you posted because of the outrageous claims in the first paragraph. It's like reading a script from MSNBC.
    terryfossil 1

    you guys have had a lot to say about politics,liberals,republicans,greens and whoever else,,no different from any other democratic country,,,and all countries continue on to the beat of the drum,,and yet i hope we are still all friends,,,nice talking......................

    vinny i never blamed bush for the downfall of obama. (putting words in my mouth). i blame bush for the irack war, too much de-regulation, creating an atmosphere where most of money goes to top small percent, and housing crisis & major job losses before obama got in. vinny we did try to have a conversation. this is what the politicians go through. is there hope?

    Sure looks like you are blaming Bush for everything, typical. Once again, Iraq was not Bush's fault, He had approval from congress. at that time it was a democrat controlled Congress. The problem today is that democrat liberals are totally one sides, they are spin o holics. The left controlled by Obama and the mighty liberal media preaches to an ignorant America that buys politics like they buy a new honda commercial. Put the right pictures in it and some cool words, go buy a honda (or should i say Prius) The media is entirly in the sack with Obama, Hollywood black balls any actor/ess that disagrees with liberal politics. They don't work!! So, you have them following -- Then on the otherhand, they can make millions and complain about people making millions! Hypocrites. And they preach equality.

    the 'feel-good' syndrome, liberals like to reach in my pocket to support those that won't even look for a job, (I agree there are people needing help, I will be the first one in line to help) The leftist doesn't even realize that they have been 'conditioned' for the past 60 years, based on guilt. save the planet, save the whales, save the fish, recycle, drive what we tell you, eat what we say, say what we want, do as i tell you to do. Is this really what you want, are we soooo stupid now that we need dictators to tell us how to live our lives?? Do you really like trampling on the constitution that worked so well for 227 years? Just to feed their guilt trips and egos, not to mention, make billions in green ideals. Here in ca, they have cut off the water to the farmers in the central valley just to save a fish, their families starve, to save one friggin' fish?? I could tell you hundreds of these stupid Liberal feel good analogies. The common sense has been overweighed by stupidity.

    As for foreign policy, we are up against many bullies on the block, we will not be able to 'apologize' our way out of it. 'To avoid war, be prepared for war." i would like to continue on but I have a job, I need to do my part to support the derelicts that depend on me so they can get drunk, do drugs and play all day.

    This actually falls right into what you said about too many overseers telling us what we can and can not do. This may be a little off topic for what has been discussed thus far but I think you will find this very interesting Vinny as it shows how agencies controlled by the government abuse their power and remove our personal freedoms

    He is a terrorist...(many, MANY people are blind to the FACT)...his actions speak for themselves...


    what actions indicate to you that he is a terrorist. i follow politics pretty closely and i haven's seen that. he might be somewhat of a flirt. i've seen that.

    You do not see because you do not want to see. Listen to the other side. Tunnel vision is not getting you anywhere near the truths of what is happening in this country.


    That's just it...he's into terrorism more so than politics...ever hear of "Sleepers" or as the bible calls him..."THE DARK PRINCE" (or the dark knight...or whatever they called him)...They had the government and religion separated in this country because of a much larger agenda...(thought for the day!)...We'll see. (soon enough)...

    Wonderer, why do you think in terms of believing that The American President of The United States of America is actually so, "Over the moon", important? The money is not in United States and the power does not sit with America. True power, money and influence is one big fat plane ride away with an entire set of customs and 'sense of manners' that Americans can not even hope to understand. Historically speaking, every large power rises and falls. Welcome to history. Americans would not
    be screaming quite so loud if it did not hurt.

    I suggest, with all respect, one should begin to learn an entire new set of languages. Banking is not done in English any more. ( I have two family members in banking. Both of which are fluent in six languages.).

    Ask not what your country can do for you. Complaining bitterly is only a negative statement... a statement that sits and does nothing except making those that read, feel just one more little tiny spit worse.

    good conversation....Viva Indonesia


    daulat this is a good conversation. we people have to learn to break through the impasses and become enlightened by each other's points. we almost made it, but we did try.

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