    I live in winston-salem N.C. Where can I take my nook to get the charging port repair?

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    0  Views: 472 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    I hope this helps.  The reviews for B&N weren't glowing, though.

    Contact Info:

    Phone Contact Numbers

    The Barnes and Noble Nook customer service department is open from 8 AM to 11 PM (ET) Monday to Friday and 9 AM to 11PM (ET) Saturday and Sunday.

    • Customer Support Call Center: 1-800-843-2665

    • International Callers: 1-201-559-3882

    Mailing Address

    If you want to send your comments or complaints to Barnes and Noble Nook customer service by mail, you have multiple choices. First you can visit the Contact Uspage and Find a Store using the Store Locator at the bottom of the page. This will give you the specific address of the Barnes and Noble Nook provider in your area. Many stores offer limited Nook customer service, so corporate may be a better choice. To send your letter to corporate, address the letter to:

    Barnes and Noble CorporateAttn: Nook Customer Service122 5th AveNew York, NY 10011

    Official Website

    The official website for Barnes and Noble is located at, but Nook customer service is available at Here you will find dedicated FAQs for each of the Nook models. There have been a LOT of questions asked, so many customers find the answer they’re looking for before contacting customer service.

    Other means of contacting Barnes and Noble Nook customer service include:

    Customer Service Email

    Barnes and Noble Nook customer service is available at Email the support team with technical or other consumer questions any time, day or night. Your communication will be answered as soon as a customer service representative reads the email.


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