    Hi my samsung TV as developed a fault its a 40 inch model LE40N87BDX/XEU .As a pensioner i trying ti repair myself.The screen as horizontal lines and some ghosting i have looked in the back for possible loose wires and im now at a loss on how to continue.There is no repair centre near mr can you please advice thank you Brian Stockport uk.

    Is it repairable this problem i out lined the tv is about 4 or 5 years old

    +1  Views: 5778 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago




    Many thanks for your replies hopefully ill get a clue on tv repair from some where. thanks again ill have a look see if theres any thing i can help some one with take caer Brian

    Did you click the link I posted below? Did you read through the suggested repairs?

    5 Answers

    There should be a Samsung telephone number or website you can visit to get help with your problem. 
    As a pensioner, you are old enough to realize that the cost of repair before you muck with it are probably much less than AFTER you attempt a do-it-yourself.  Think about it. 


    There's another old joke.
    Our repair rates:-
    Standard rate:-$50 per hour.
    If you watch:- $60 per hour.
    If you help:- $100 per hour.

    Take a hint! :D

    Click this link > the person who posted has the same problem with his Samsung as you are experiencing. Read the comments (3rd and 4th down). You might find an answer from one or the other or both. 

    Sorry to be a pessimist Bryan but I don't think there is a lot you can do yourself.Modern TVs have processor boards & chips etc & testing them reqires highly specific equipment.In the long run you will probably be better off jusy buying a new one.Difficult for a pensioner I know but maybe you can get interest free finance on a new one.

    There's not much you can do with televisions yourself nowadays, best bet it to find a modern television engineer, who won't charge you an arm and a leg to look at it. Otherwise buy a new one , you can get them cheaper these days in the supermarket, if you can't afford too much. Having said that ,it ought to have lasted longer than four years.

    check the capacitors on the circuit board, if you see them bulging on top or leaking, replace them. it'll cost you about  $15 for a soldering iron and 50c for two capacitors. i just saved myself a small fortune doing this. :-)

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