3 Answers
You have a pattern on your nails which is genetically controlled. Check with your family for fun to see who else has it, siblings or parents, etc. I also have them, they run vertical down each fingernail. It is a recessive trait, not many have it. We are collector's items, I guess...
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Good info here...http://voices.yahoo.com/what-causes-ridges-fingernails-can-782677.html
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I have these too. I heard it means you're going to have a heart problem. . My aunt had them in her 50s and 60s on her thumb nail, mostly .......like I do ; and she lived to be 83. Back in the 80s, a male nurse I worked with told me if you have those creases in your earlobes, it means you're going to have a heart problem. He did end up having a by-pass. But, he smoked. I have those crease in my ear lobes too. My aunt had them too. Oh, well, we're all going to have a heart problem if we live long enough.
10 years ago. Rating: 0 | |