    About dogs in islam

    0  Views: 916 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    Most Muslim scholars agree that the saliva of a dog is ritually impure, and that contact with a dog's saliva requires one to wash seven times. This ruling comes from the hadith.


    What does "ritually impure" mean? I wash a few times less than seven. I'

    I don't know what they mean by impure, but a dogs saliva actually kills a lot of harmful bacteria that can occur is wounds whereas a persons only adds to the problem. At least, according to Wikipedia.

    Interesting! However, no dog will lick me. Ever... but still a fascinating fact. It sounds like a dogs saliva is probiotic.

    They are considered to be dirty.


    They are. A friend of mine has had ALL her carpets and upholstery cleaned in her large house. She has finally come to the conclusion that her dog is dirty. Really dirty. Everybody in their household (and ours) takes off shoes in the house but that big dog just walks around in feet. Maybe they should make dog shoes for dogs to wear INSIDE the house.
    The doggie visited us for a few days. I agree with my friend. And how.

    The best solution to that is don't get one. However, some people just love their animals, sloppy or not. I guess you just overlook that unfortunate character trait if you're a dog lover. My wife ignores my aversion to order and let's me have my own corner in the house. Since I consume a vast number of books, newspapers and magazines, I have a small section of the den that resembles an explosion in a library. I refer to it as slob central, but with great affection as I happily nestle down amongst the debris.

    bigben .. You sound happy enough. I have a mental picture of you in your corner. Good enough? Yes.

    Maybe why the dogs do not fly with Obama, ask his opinion on dogs?


    Yeah, why don't we? He has two.

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