10 Answers
My grandfather (a doctor circa 1926) had a patient that dearly needed a bath unbeknownst to himself. The guy came in complaining of not feeling “right” and my grandfather wrote him a prescription. the guy had it filled and it was for a bar of ivory soap. Days later the patient showed up at the office just to exclaim how much better he felt………….
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
My college dorm room, which I shared with "Sally" smelled awful. I knew it wasn't ME, because, well, the smell was never there before she moved in. One day I ferreted out the smell, and found it to be coming from her closet, where her dirty clothes festered in a pile, and her socks overpowered ANYTHING you can imagine.
I was, like you, in a quandary as to how to approach the subject, and, in desperate stupidity, left a note that said, "Smell your socks". She was a little shocked with my note, but got those socks washed, got herself a laundry bag, and that was the end of the problem.
Tactful honesty SHOULD work in your favor. Let your roommate know that his personal hygiene has been suffering and he needs to take better care of himself. Suggest a soap and deodorant; if your budget allows, buy it for him. Tell him you expect him to shower every day, especially if he has been working out or has a job that exasperates body odor.
Make sure he knows you are telling him this AS HIS FRIEND. You can say a number of people, who shall remain nameless, have commented on his lack of PH and are concerned.
Concerned? Yes, often, people who are abusing drugs or are depressed may forego their personal hygiene. (Let him know this, too, if you feel it can help)
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
And I always shower for Christmas.
Be upfront and tell him straight, your personal space is being invaded by a stench that is unpleasant. Especially living in a confined environment would only intensify the odor .
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

I'm so amused by it all :)
Spray him with lysol - not his eyes. Tell him he stinks to high heaven. Maybe you shouldn't spray him. Maybe that would hurt him ... My answer; I don't know. I'd move out.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

Fickle people here ;)
Tell him he stinks and he's stinking up the whole apartment. He's not respecting you so why should you say anything less?
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

Tell him you'll take a shower with him .that'll do it. I'm kidding :-D
When we were in K-marts last week, several people walked by us, and they smelled ssssooooo bad. No, they were not together. It was a random thing. They smelled like B.O. and dirty, rumpled clothing. ......and like they had eaten cigarettes and cig smoke for brk , lunch , and dinner.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
No need to be rude but politely tell him bathroom is free and shampoo, soap etc are in there. Tell him you will have shower after him as you have something to catch up. He can't say he does not want to have a shower! He might even thank you!
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

Sawali, how many jabs/swipes/rude comments have you take at me? A LOT. You were not suspended. How may trolls have you sent onto this forum to do your dirty work for you? A LOT. You were suspended the last time you did it. (updating because I just checked my records, I did not suspend you actually, I told your troll friend I would suspend you if he came back, no more troll after that). Stop acting mortally wounded because I asked a question. It was an honest question. You want the grown man to be treated like a child. Why? I can only wonder if you relate with him some how. As for your idea of roommates, some are like that. Others are lazy, do not do their fair share of house work, keep to themselves and do not bathe. Thus they disrespect the people they live with so deserve no respect in return. Telling them to take a bathe is peaceful enough.
This conversation is about what YOU said and the way YOU said it. Someone who knows you real well messaged you rather than simply post a comment? Some nameless person you fault me for suggesting? Good grief, Colleen, watch out when you backpeddle. I'll be blunt, "Dude, your answer and comments stink on this one. Clean up your act."
NO, he doesn't necessarily smell himself. Some people have little or no sense of smell.
Most likely, NO,he doesn't get ordered to live outdoors. When people share a place, both of them quite often have a say in what goes on in the place.

You told dazy to blame it on nameless people. You used nameless friends to call me every name in the book that day that I mentioned here already..."I showed this conversation to a few of my friends and this is what they said about you". Remember that Bob? So, it's OK for you to use nameless friends but I can't? The thing is, this friend who messaged me is real and not made up. I do not pretend that others say what I want to say. I can do my own speaking. Now I'll be blunt; You're not the boss of me, you can't tell me what to do. I will not do things or say things your way to appease you. I am a straight forward person. I do not see the need to sugar coat words or make up stories for an adult. There is a difference between children and adults. Children need sugar coating. A stinky adult knows how often he should bathe. I'm not going to lie and create stories and imaginary people to tell someone to shower or bathe. That's your way, not mine, dude.

Does he have a girlfriend? I suspect not as women are very blunt, tactless even on matters of personal hygeine.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |