    what dog name

    what dog name

    +1  Views: 1293 Answers: 12 Posted: 11 years ago

    12 Answers

    I named my lab MONTGOMERY and taught him to growl if anybody called him MONTY…….


    Good old Monty, we needed him in Africa.

    Can’t help but think of MONTY HALL (ask CB) when I hear the name, never cared for him…….
    country bumpkin

    Let's Make A Deal!!!

    Call him rough chops,

    Was Buster...

    When I was a boy we had a dog , she was called Flossy, half Collie and half Terrier, she was a lovely dog she lived to about 12 years old . I will always remember her.

    Pippa.Gone now.:(


    What happen to Bouncer from Neibours, Tommyh,?

    Don't know Den.I never watch that show.:)

    Dieszal, Belle, Tess, Bruce, Darrell, Sophie, Ashley, Patch, Lucy, Copper, Amos, Ernie, Tojo, Clarence, Penelope,  Copper (yes, there were two of them), Hubert, Judy

    Of those, Belle, Bruce, Tess, Darrell, Sophie, Ashley, Patch, Copper, Amos's mother, Tojo, and Clarence were what I call "reject" dogs, in that no one wanted them. They They came from a pound, street corner, wandering in a field, foothills, school yard, dumped over my parents' fence, and found on a ditchbank in the dead of winter (with two brothers we found homes for).  Every one of them brought of joy and fun for my family and me.  My son took Ashley on a driving trip around the United States a few years ago.  


    I Have a bulldog called William now,but its hard to just forget the others,I know you have a bulldog as well Miss Bob,who has your love,

    Our pets have their own special places in our hearts. We can't "replace" them. I only had Belle for four days (she had parvo and no one knew); broke my heart to lose her so quickly; I had planned a wonderful, safe, well-loved life for her. :(

    Ben and Tim,both gone to the doggy place in the sky,,,


    terryfossil 1 Ben is such a good name for a dog.
    terryfossil 1

    Thanks Poppy 3,,They were both good mates..>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Taco Bell.

    Josesamueljeuv -  Depends on the breed of dog? or even his/her character. I know a lady who has a female dog called Kitty. I will send you names.



    Josesamueljeuv - here goes - some doggy names - Hudson, Max, Buttons, Oscar, Disa, Thor, Petra, Patch, Bonnie, Georgie, Megan, Ziggy, Polly, Holly, Molly, Woody, Buzz,Jake, Beauty,Shep,Meg, Wellard, Roly, Chalky,Robbie, Tricki-woo, Louis, Drum, Bluey, Bobby,Benji,Jay, Harvey,Gypsy,Bonzo, Ruby,Leila,Mia,Eddie,Jack,Buster, Lucy,Susie, Heather, Bertie, Harry, Smoke, Arry,Toyah,Buster,Goldie,Zak, Nellie, cyrus,joy and of course Marley.

    Its hard to forget them sunny,my dog smokey was a kind of collie that followed us kids everwhere,he had blue eyes and would let you balance a sweet on his nose ,untill you said paid  for then he would flip it up in the air to swolow the sweet,he got run over by a car following us kids ,and he had to be put to sleep,I  Still miss him when i think of all the happness and fun we had with him,


    Comment box Dougal, comment box.

    oh yea sorry,

    jim bob custerd



    josesmuel jue - of course why bother with a name - why he is a doggy.

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