    how do you deal with people being emotionally high level ..?

    0  Views: 1560 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    Are you speaking of dealing with someone with a bad temper? Use "Comment this question" to respond.

    4 Answers

    I can't, please elaborate!



    hahaha. Was that from the movie , " Ammadeus " ?
    Or is this a picture of Camilla yelling at Charles ?

    From "Blackadder" a UK comedy series Julie.

    Must be looking in a mirror?

    Do you know what a number line is?   ""

    If someone is 4 on the emotional level, 10 being ready to climb a bell tower with an assault rifle, I'm probably going to respond around -2.  That puts the combined emotional level at 2;  irritation, but still manageable.  The more disruptive and distraught the other person becomes, the further I go in the opposite direction.  I think it's because the closer we can balance to "0", the more peaceful things are going to be.  
    If I start moving up the emotional number line, it makes ME sick.  Besides, when I maintain a detached/aloof position when the other person is "having a cow", I'm in control.  
    If the other person is sending me high emotional level text messages, the calmer I remain, the more upset the other one becomes.  NOW, I save those irrational messages and, voila! my adversary hasn't a leg to stand upon; see how nice I was and see how ugly (s)he was.  (I have some ready for police to see, a judge to rule upon, and people who think my sister is so wonderful to get a rude awakening)

    It's difficult when they're yelling and swearing at you, and they don't give you  a chance to say anything.Because if you do , they'll yell over you or smack you. What you do when they have a temper tantrum at you over something trivial walk out of the room.Or get out of the car and take a cab home. Or leave the house for a couple of hours.

    It depends upon what they're being emotional about.

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