10 Answers
intelligence is not worth a darn,,i would rather have someone with good old down to earth COMMONSENSE ,,,the world is very short of it......................................................................
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
when i was in high school in san francisco, my counselor told me i could not take college prep classes because my test were too low & put me in an english class with low IQ people, a few might have been retarded (nothing wrong with retarded people). I said to myself, this has got to be wrong. (i have always been bad with true false questions. They all seem like trick questions to my mind). Well about 5 years i took an IQ test & got 122 for IQ. That made me happy to think my whatever, brain ,intellect, might be better than i thought. However, i don't think all that really matter as long as we each have enough brains/commonsense to survive & communicate in the environment we find ourselves living in.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I think that statistics would probably indicate that the majority of people are of average intelligence. Sadly, young people do not want to appear to be "smart" and have a tendency to play "dumb" and even fail tests in high school, according to long-term teachers. Kids don't want to be number one in their class anymore! What a sad commentary that is. :(
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
terryfossil 1 You are so right - I recently saw a brilliant documentary "How You Really Make Decisions" (Horizon). It was not so much about intelligence as such but about the phenomenal amount of systematic mistakes made on a daily basis - quite phenomanal. These mistakes made globally to include Spy intelligence in the USA. also to include here - big organisations everywhere Banks, Housing, Health etc. Apparently in our DNA for billions Once money enters the equation also - and how this can change decision making. Very complex programme - just amazing - even the highly intelligent are making these mistakes - do not ask how they reached their decision - just gets worse - coming from the wrong premise. We would like to believe we think like this - oh so logical and common sense would be good here but it is finding it for the most decisions. We think one thing and Science Research says another - the guy who is doing this research I believe is called Kaheman - believe he is an American Science Researcher. No wonder the world is screwed up!!!! Just can't help it - "Making mistakes is just what it is to be human"
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
The programme I saw is essentially dealing with us pitting our intuition against logic. Our intuition it would seem being the much more powerful than previously realised. It was Professor Danny Kahneman looking into this conflict. The programme did not illustrate what happens when they make the mistake - not so much I feel. However, it went through a focus exercise which showed how a person could miss something. A man was prosecuted or perhaps lost his job from a very high position - I believe he was connected to Spy Intelligence made this focus type mistake that most people would have made and this was illustrated.
It makes sense to me that more people would be of "average" intelligence than "high" or "low". That's what makes them "average". There is some point where intelligence is considered "high" and some point where it's considered "low". Anything in between is going to be "average". For example, I bowl about 120 games in a league season. My lowest ten games may be under 140 and my highest ten games may be over 220. The other 100 games vary from 141 to 219. My average, though, ends up being around 180 (maybe up to 184 or as low as 178). Oddly, that is the average of 140 and 220 (360/2)
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I Q s can actually go up, based on your learning and experience further down the road.
H.S. grads have slightly higher I Qs than the average bear, not suprising, b/c they have more knowledge. IQ tests don't really test your intelligence........they test how much and what you've learned so far.And they're highly verbal. So, if you want to do well on them.......have a good vocabulary and be a good reader and writer and speller.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |