11 Answers
A bowl of cereal that stays crunchy in milk.
Back to square one. It looks like the problem has been solved.
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

Why can't Cream of Wheat be heart healthy! (*~*)
I enjoy inventing tools. The problem is that the tools I have invented ended up costing more jobs than it made. Our whole industry is on the look-out for folks trying to make their own living on a new way to do anything at a lower price tag. For example: Friends tried to market a little hot water heater that was 95%efficient, did not require a storage tank for hot water and cost less than $25.00 to produce. These heaters were sold in the USA supported by an energy innovation grant from the federal government. The folks who make hot water tanks sued under Anti-trust laws and the penalities were totally distructive to the little water heater manufactures business. So we are stuck with big, expensive, inefficient water heaters that keep billionairs happily nested.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Here ya go-- invent something you can do with old tires. so far this has been a problem, can't burn em, smoke is toxic can't throw em in the ocean, they float, can't bury them because they are rubber and they will work their way back to the surface. And they will not decompose. Once a tire, always a tire. They use them on boat docks, make sandals with them, they even grind them up and put them in asphalt. but they can't change its properties legally.
Also, something a horse can sleep on that it won't eat.
As one inventor told me once. Inventions are solutions to a problem. A smart inventor points out the problem and is ready with the solution.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
They could be used for garden borders too.
It won't be long before environmentalists will attack tires and it will be illegal to have them on your car or soles. We may end up back on wooden wagon wheels but then we need to cut down more trees. IMHO, I wish we could restart the space program and send all of them to another planet -- :) There they can live like in the BC era earth where they can make homes of stone and eat fruit and veggies, wear all white and denounce the existence of God without resistance. LOL! But that's just me...
An inflatable Christmas Tree, I hate taking down and removal of decorations, it is so depressing. I would make it in a low box, complete with ornaments and lights. Simply pull plug, deflate, put lid on box, and kick box under couch till next year! Should I pitch it to the Shark Tank?
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Probably nothing. It's very hard to get an invention patented and expensive too. I'll leave the inventing to those who are more geared towards it.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |