4 Answers
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

I don't think my cats would drink the water if it had vinegar in it. But, you bring up an interesting idea......If you cat has fleas, put some vinegar in a spray bottle, adn spray a little on their back- - -- near their tail.Rub it in . I bet the fleas would die,or jump off. And if the cat licks the area, s(he) won't be harmed by it......like they would with chemical flea sprays.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Sorry it's a load of rubbish you cannot make a cat drink water with vinegar in the water they just would not drink it sorry there are plenty of good stuff on the market to get rid of flees of your cat has got flees you must get rid of the flees as they can infect the cats lungs wash all the bedding and spray where the cats have been as the flees will just breed back the flees like to go where it's warm like under radiators or near skirting boards you can get flee spray for the house from the vet
11 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Consult your vet for the best prescribed flea treatment..cats may need different worming tablets too..It`s costly but better than dabbling about with ineffective pet store remedies!...Just mine and many peoples opinions here!....(am not saying that all pet shop products are ineffective..I`d just rather get professional advice..than try out loads of unprescribed substances on my cats)!
10 years ago. Rating: 1 | |