    My mother recently decided to shorten the time that I may game from endless to 2 hours a day. How can I convince her to let me play longer?

    And now after a few days of vacation I have been kind and tried my best to keep her happy, found a cycling club and go to it reguraly but she now suddenly decides to let us game for 4 hours on a day off (until now ive only played a maximum of 3) and we have to go to bed early and stand up early, which means I cant sleep out sometimes as I love to. Why is she doing this? She never thought of this before, im doing good at school, doing sports and she hasnt stopped smoking yet. Is there any good explenation except of the fact that she has a new "friend".

    +3  Views: 4374 Answers: 15 Posted: 10 years ago


    Hopefully, you understand Clonge was having fun with the answer. Do you honestly think you can pull off changing all the clocks and get away with more game time? Get caught and I'll be surprised if you aren't grounded from ANY game time for weeks.
    A random guy

    Thanks to Clonge I realised I could and I do. I play a game called League of Legends and they get good grades, do sports and sometimes spend a whole day playing this game. I got caught twice already gaming it at 1 AM in the morning and guess what? I tell her I couldnt sleep because she was doing it with her friend. leading to finishing my match and getting no punishment. I would like another solution though because I dont like to stay up at night.
    A random guy

    And I want to tell everyone that im not fat, I ride my bycicle daily and am one of the most polite children I know.

    15 Answers

    Spending countless hours sitting in front of a screen (computer/television) has very few benefits compared to making friends and being active. Why isolate yourself from the real world....get involved and learn to really live life to the fullest! Your mother is wrong....two hours a day is far too much!


    How many hours do you spend on the computer Duckster??

    About 22...why?

    Less computer & more duckboarding would be better for you.

    Ok. I'll try to cut back on this and do more of "my sport". Try not to miss me. :)

    Try waddling down to the pond for a swim a couplw time a day.
    A random guy

    I have friends, I am not game addicted according to many tests, but I feel as if I have lost my freedom and it destroys me from the inside :(
    A random guy

    Before this rule I spent around 2 and a half hours behind the computer and then decided to go cycling or something. And now once I have done my chores, homework and cycling I just watch tv. Sometimes for longer than 3 hours but my mom thinks that is ok because tv has slower movements which don't upset your brain or something like that.

    @DD...Countless hours when you're 72 is quite different from countless hours before your brain is fully developed at 25. I spend as much time as I day 4 hours, another, zero. I also work out, golf, sing in a choir, go to hockey games, read, socialize with friends and experiment with new recipes. And, I watch (mindless) reality TV. I think I'll be fine. LOL!!

    Phew! :)

    Do you really think the "New Freind" has anything to do with it?As you grow up you will learn that there are bigger things in life than games on the computer.


    Yeth indeed, nearetht I came to a computer when I wath hith age wath watching Thtar Trek.

    When I was hith age computers needed a 3 thorey building to houthe them.LOL

    why do you guys do that fake lisping when a new , young, impressionable youngster is on here ?

    Haha!It has nothing to do with young impresssionable youngsters Julie.For further clarification I refer you to Romos.

    It'th an inthide joke between mythelf, Tom, and a thertain feathered mod Julie, nothing to do with the kids.

    Yeth, it ith. We theem to be thilly but we are tho mature!

    Yeth indeed, it theems tho.

    But people are starting to talk so we better give it a mith...err miss.


    ok, Well, thank you for explaning that instead of tearing me apart, like some members have done on here.Glad you're having fun.

    Who tore you apart Julie? Wait'll I catch up with 'em.
    A random guy

    I have friends, I am not game addicted according to many tests, but I feel as if I have lost my freedom and it destroys me from the inside :(

    Poor little ARG! Get over it mate.Life is waiting OUTSIDE!

    Hire yourself a lawyer. Clearly, your mom will be convicted of child abuse.



    Yep.Get Mom & the "New Friend" slammed up in jail.I wonder who will pay for the internet connection etc then??

    LOL...out of tu tday...until tmro!x

    Oh funny funny guys tonight!

    Hysterical! And he probably would win too, which is the sad part.
    A random guy

    I cant stop laughing.

    Your Mother has your best interests at heart!..When are you finding time to exercise?..To be outside and actively engaging in the real world..not just the cyber world?...Sitting at a computer all day is so unhealthy..leads to isolation,weight gain,neglecting other duties/interests such as sports..which help with team building skills as well as improved health..and a whole lot more of other potential interests!..Get out and about,with your mum`s permission..I have no idea of your age?...2 hours is longer than I allow my kids to spend on the computer/watching T.V...They interact in person with friends and make new friends..they swim,cycle,play football,rugby,tennis..the list is endless!...And they have far much more to talk about and enjoy at the end of the day!

    A random guy

    I have friends, I am not game addicted according to many tests, but I feel as if I have lost my freedom and it destroys me from the inside :(
    A random guy

    If my mom is so good why didnt she shorten the time when I was 4-16 years old? I ride my bicicle everyday to the lighthouse once or twice. I also play football in the breaks at school everyday and im looking for a cycling club. 2 hours is nothing if you are used to limitless, I do not like Portuguese children in general. Ive had weeks where I didnt game but in the end I just love myself and my life if I have enjoyed of what I like to do most and what I can do best, play with my little brother or my friends behind the console or computer.

    2 hours just for gaming? Does your time on line with us count as gaming time? 2 hours is more than enough. Everybody is right. Get out of the house some……...

    What are you supposed to do with the other 22 hours?  If you have done your schoolwork and are getting good reports, have completed all chores REALLY well, and have helped out where you weren't even ASKED (taking initiative), maybe your mom will relent and give you some extra time once in a while.  I love spending time here (akaQA), but honestly have been enjoying doing other things with my time more lately, just because I finally got off the couch.  Look around for something fun to do that doesn't involve sitting in front of a computer screen.  The possibilities are endless.

    A random guy

    She wont give me more time. I try to enjoy everything around me and I do but I need something to relax, stress out cool off. Should I start smoking instead? She smokes 2 packages a day and a lot of alcohol.

    Your question is rhetorical, so answering it is needless.
    I play Sudoku and computer Hearts every night after I go to bed. It takes me about 30 minutes to unwind. I don't know what the whole story is for you and your mom, so really can't offer a viable solution. I understand stress for a 16 year old, believe me. One of my sons turned to drugs and screwed up about ten years of his life and has a felony record that will never go away. There are other options for you. Maybe there is an adult you both know who can intercede on your part...and if your mom is an alcoholic, give her the head's up on what she's doing to herself, too.

    Wow ... A random guy: I'm sorry you have those stresses from your Mom. I had them from my parents too. My mom smoked a lot ... whole lot. My dad was an alcoholic and smoked like my mom. Don't go there with your frustrations. You sound active enough. I think you should just go around the corner or in the library and do what you want to do. Don't do too much of it. You know that. Your mom won't hear you if you tell her to stop drinking. There's a group called Alanon. Try that. I think it would be a great place for you.
    Try to get out of your house as soon after graduation as you can. I left at 18 ~ the day after graduation. I managed quite a bit of college but was short of a degree. Good luck.
    I better go read Clonge. : )
    A random guy

    Finding a compromise is an answer to my question. Other adults think I spend 8 hours a day behind the computer because of my mom and well my dad used to be an alcoholic and a smoker etc. I surely will try to get out of the house as fast as I can but I am quite clingy to my brother and dog :)

    A random guy: Another thing you could try is "reverse psychology". Your mom knows you want more computer play time, so you have a power struggle going on. You could try skipping the computer time completely once in a while, maybe play cards, checkers, dominoes, or some board game. Invite your mom and brother to play. Make a family time. It might be good for all of you, or your mom might decide to give you more time on the computer if "family time" cuts into something she wants to do instead. In any case, encouraging and participating in family time can't hurt. Re: the dog, maybe leash him up and take him out to smell the bushes and p**p on the neighbor's lawn.
    A random guy

    the past month ive skipped computer time a lot but I didnt invest it in family time because they work a lot and when theyre not working they are resting and dont want to be disturbed. I invested that time in work for school and all my daily duties such as leeting the dog out 3 times a day. Until now investing my time in other things didnt change anything.

    Well, a random guy, using only your version of what's going on, it sounds like you are doing what you are supposed to do, and maybe even going beyond when you can. I truly believe that the less you want something, the more likely it is to come to you, in time. Still think even a suggestion about setting aside some family time couldn't hurt. It lets your family know the time you spend with them is worth a lot. Believe me, it will be gone before you know it, and there will be regrets.
    I sincerely wish you good results in all you pursue.
    A random guy

    I lost my father remember? I know how important family time is :)

    a random guy: I've lost both my parents, all my grandparents, and all but one aunt (started with an army of aunts and uncles), not to mention an assortment of cousins and friends through the years as well. Divorce lost me my spouse, in-laws, and friends that were his to start with. I know people who have lost CHILDREN to accidents or disease.
    You aren't the only person to lose a loved one. The point of my suggestion is you can MAYBEmake your mom aware that you have free time and choose to spend it with her, your brother, and whomever else you all agree to include in family night, if anyone. Maybe YOU can clue your mom in on the fact the time will be gone before she knows it.
    Again, all I know is what you tell me about your situation.
    Again, I wish you a happy, successful future.
    A random guy

    I understand, thanks.

    I Did not not get were i am today,by spending 2 hours a day at play,


    Where are you now then?

    I Was premoted to cordenator,of selling the big issure in Merton.

    ENGLISH PLEASE! Dennis,What's a big issue in Merton?

    Its a Magazine that you can sell for one pound fifty pence per copy when you are out of work,{ie on the dole}at railway stations etc,and usealey have your dog with you,and a warm blanket.

    You would be out of a job if you lived around here Dennis, the Roma gypsies have that job in this part of the country.

    Mum's are usually right, take notice. She's thinking of what's best for you, you may not realize it yet, but it's true.

    A random guy

    I realize it. but why could I play 9 hours a day for 13 years and then suddenly change it to this. great mum.

    Because you are at the age now when you need to work at your studies. Your mum wants you to make something of yourself, not sit at computer playing games all day. Work hard , and good luck you have your whole future ahead of you.
    A random guy

    Since this boundary, my grades are getting worse. I live with stress everyday and sleep worse. And I usually cool off by playing a game or two.

    There should be some compromise available to you and your mom. 9 hours a day is too much; if you sleep 8 hours, that leaves 7 hours, which is probably school.
    A random guy

    I agree that 9 hours is way too much.If I would fall asleep immediately I would have 13 hours of sleep even without the boundary, school is 4-8 hours and yes I want to make a compromise but she apparently doesnt.

    Two hours on your butt is way too long unless you have to sit for a living or you are REALLY researching for a project or typing a paper. 

    You need exercise, movement, activities outside the computer ... you'll forget how to socialize. Your mother is soooo right. You don't want to get fat and move like a slug do you? 

    A random guy

    If my mom is so good why didnt she shorten the time when I was 4-16 years old? I ride my bicicle everyday to the lighthouse once or twice. I also play football in the breaks at school everyday and im looking for a cycling club. 2 hours is nothing if you are used to limitless. Trust me im healthy except of the gigantic stress which is torturing me.

    Is your problem the amount of computer time, or is it your mom? You sound pretty disgusted with her.
    A random guy

    I love my mom I really do she is always there for me etc and I owe her quite much. But I am less of a problem in comparison to other teenagers and yes its the amount of computer time that is bothering me.

    the Computer is a  gizmo,,your mother is trying to give you a not be ungrateful ............... 

    You can try to trick her with the time. Let's say it's 11:00 and she says you can play for 2 hours. Be ready for her before that time and turn the clock hands back, telling her you still have time to go. You might have to do this for all of the clocks. If she wears a watch, it can be difficult.


    You're a great influence on kids. :)

    Thanks for the compliment! Really, we don't know if "A random guy" is a "kid". For all we know he can be 60 and his mother, 80! LOL!

    Oh I never thought of that. I thought everything on here was the absolute truth! No? LOL!!

    I always think it's the truth too ...
    A random guy

    At least clonge tried to answer my question, unlike the rest xD

    By the way, for curiosity's sake, how old are you and your mother, and did you try to trick her?

    @ A random guy. You are so wrong. I DID answer your question with MY honest opinion. You didn't like it? Oh well. I bet your mother would like it. :)

    Two hours a day is still too long to be gaming. You need exercise, or you will get fat. And if you don't get out there and mingle with people you own age, you will not develope the appropriate socials skills. You should spend more time helping your parents and your siblings. You should be studying.Staring at computer games all the time affect your eyes and your brain. You are living in a fantasy world. If you're playing violent games or need for speed type games, they will teach you bad habits. .......especially the games where you are killing people.

    And, Random Guy, I am very sorry your dad died.And I'm sorry that your mom is paying attention to her new man friend, instead of you. How long has your dad been gone ?

    A random guy

    Before the limits I usually didnt game for longer than an hour because I had to take of my dad which was sufferfing of cancer. If someone invites me, or I de/ide to invite them to do something I insist in doing that instead of gaming. He passed away at the 14th of june 2013 1 day after his birthday.

    Your stuff sounds a lot more complicated that you presented it in your question.
    A random guy

    All I want is a way to convince my mom to get rid of the idea.

    Mom of Random Guy: He sounds like a nice kid. One who is doing his best to get along - like all of us.
    Give him a break here. Let him have his two hours. I would with my son.
    I am sorry about your loss. It hasn't even been a year yet. Stay Well.

    Gaming like anything else can be great with some moderation mixed in . . . maybe.  Anything we humans like to do so much, often times indicate we have a talent for it that we may not be conscious about.  Since gaming is so fun for you perhaps think up a game yourself that could have a beneficial effect on people, animals or the world and work on trying to get someone to help you develop it. I have 5 brothers. One was a busy body growing up and drove everybody crazy. He took apart radios, television sets, clocks and yes played games, everything with a great passion. I told my mom, let him do, he's studying for something. Since he grew up he's had several great jobs in the tech field.  He's a software developer now and makes great money. So things kids do that seem strange to parents is often where the kid's knowledge and passion is brewing for future talents.  Good luck. Listen to your parents, and follow your passion.




    I like your comment, tabbed
    A random guy

    I follow game programs on the internet and continously look for a place where I can study to work with game media or game creation or something like that. I dream of a proffession game related and I work hard for it.

    I believe you'll do. You gotta take some college classes. Ready for that? I think it's a great idea. Not many people can do that.

    thank you itsmee.

    tell your man that 3dgaming is good for the evaluetion  of ur brain .and if   you can  play it verry good  the gaming industrie spends you a internal education and you can  make miljons working there  in the gaming industry .

    sou can get a 1=education  2=payed by gaming industry 3= evaluate ur brains 4=eurn a job you like and build  you  a  nice  future  ps sorry for bad english  that happens when you game to much   and dony pay attenttion in shool  


    Is college needed? I'll bet it is but I don't know.

    Or maybe when you spend too much time playing games on your computer???

    all you have to do is say if i play outside or read a book or somthing for a hour

    i get to go on the computer for a hour


    that's a pretty good idea. A good book is hard to put down, though, and leaving a good time with friends to sit in front of a thanks; friends are more fun..two reasons your idea is such a good one.
    A random guy

    I read books on my tablet, which she counts as computer time.

    Personally, I wouldn't count that as game time.

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