1 Answer
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Download and install a program that allows you to view image files. Most computers come with one already installed, such as Microsoft Office Picture Manager, which is used in the following steps. Make certain the application you choose allows you to print the image.
- 2
Download and install a PDF-writing application. Most PDF writing applications charge a fee for download. For the purposes of converting a JPEG, there are perfectly suitable shareware versions available, including PDFill PDF and Image Writer, which is available as a free download.
- 3
Use your JPEG-viewing program to open the file that you want to convert to PDF. Click once on the “Locate Pictures” option under the “File” menu. Other programs may use the term “Open.” Choose the folder to which the JPEG is saved using the “Look In” menu and click “OK.” Highlight the image file and click once on the “Open” button.
- 4
Click once on the “File” menu and select the “Print” option. Choose the PDF-writing program from the “Printer” drop-down menu. Use the “Paper Size” menu to select the size of the document to which the JPEG will be converted. You can adjust the “dots per inch” (DPI) using the “Quality” drop down menu. Click one on the “Print” button.
- 5
Choose a folder in which to save the PDF using the “Save in” menu. Type a file name for the new PDF in the “File Name” field and click once on the “Save” button. To view the new PDF, open a PDF-reading program, such as Adobe Reader. Use the “Open” option under the “File” menu. Locate the folder to which the PDF file was saved using the “Look in” menu. Select the file and click once on the “Open” button.
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11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |