5 Answers
I never understand why the important exams..ie GCSE`s are scheduled at a time when teens hormones are all over the place..and their minds are often obsessed with young love!!...I think the important quals should be either continuous assessment at an earlier age or at an age when most kids have better concentration!..I did O.K...but know I could`ve done better @ C 12or 13!!..just my opinion!
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
i agree with lindi that study is so very important. i also agree that it depends on the topic and where you are in life at the time. teenage life is a time for getting to know the opposite sex. it's tough. i've seen parents who forbid their kids to even talk to boys on the phone. what wars can come out of that. my biggest advice to young people is to try to obey your parents wishes until you are wise and stable enough to take care of yourself. i have seen kids rebel against parent and end up being homeless. good luck do your best.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |