    what are the advantages and disadvantages of discipline

    0  Views: 1080 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    There are no disadvantages of discipline.  There's more disadvantages of no discipline. Lets not confuse child abuse with parental discipline, there's a big difference, too many people can't seem to distinguish between the two.  Unfortunately, a parent that scolds their child with a swat on the butt is consider child abuse.  This is stupid!   Thank you Dr. Spock for screwing up 4.5 million years of child rearing in just one lifetime. and you didn't even have children of your own.

    Today we have unruly young adults that have no respect for parents or any authoritative figure, they this they are the authority.  Sad thing is, they tell their teacher that they were swatted at home, the child endangerment society of idiots step in and have this child taken from their parents.  All because the parent loved them so much they disciplined them .. And you wonder why we have school shootings, why we have this stupid knock out game, gangs, violence etc.. Because parents are now afraid to confront their children and discipline them in fear of being arrested and their child removed.  I am fortunate, i had parents that slapped me, a mom that chased me with a broom.  They are gone now but I miss them dearly and I am glad they taught me right from wrong in a way that I remember the rights from the wrongs.


    Spare the rod...spoil the child!..These days you`d be in prison for even saying that!...But discipline is a must..from the start!...You want to try and make your kids respectful of themselves,you and others..well here`s a not saying it always works..but at least you`ve done your best to set them an example and try and put them on the right path..My parents were firm but fair...We knew the cut off point and took the punishments deserved..My Father used to be almost in tears when he ever had to smack us..a good smacked bottom in those days..nil kinky!LOL...I cut pocket money and stop outings..treats and sleep overs etc until they have had enough time to think things over...That doesn`t mean I`m not there to talk things through with them but...9/10 times they learn by it..Never did us any harm!;-)


    Wheres my cane,??????

    I was a little s''t as a boy, many beatings from my Grandmother :circa 1900-1982, made me the man I am today, never hit any of my kids, they are good people making their way in life just as I have.
    Go figure!

    @ Hector..sorry only riding crop/whip in the cupboard!..used it today questions asked!LOL..No we went riding!!;-) difficult to evaluate what a kid is going to be like and why?..I was no 3 of 4 prob already knew the rules from the o siblings...and fairly strict public skool from aged 3!!...Not to say I didn`t rebel later!..and still am!;-)...I`m not saying my kids are any better than my n n n`s but n and n`s had no discipline from either parent..sister ill..b. in law thought his job as father ended at conception!..and is a wife beater and bully!...So very hard trying to discipline these kids now...and can`t blame them totally for their problems..but in my view..however hard it is..u have to start as you mean to go on!...Now my old age I look at my parents with total admiration as they made HUGE sacrifices to send us all to public schools...I see now they could have led great lives of holidays and not sacrificed all their earnings on us lot to have a much better standard of living!..Even though I wasn`t a high ever grateful..and think I even kind of recognized it from a fairly early age!

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