I would do all the shallow things..like buy an amazing holiday home e.g St.BARTS/or MED...But I came home via Paddington stn,ldn today..and so many homeless under the bridge...would love to sort out poverty and end homelessness ...as if that`s going to happen..I`d invest a lot for kids futures and buy some a new wardrobe at Harrods..way in..n Harvey Nichs..money to friends...but what would be your prorities???
12 Answers
I would pay of all debts ie mortgages bills blah blah etc etc and do it all online then sit down with a large islay single malt whisky (12 - 18 yo) and just bask in the knowledge that i owe nobody anything at all for the first time in my life! thats what wealth feels like, the rest of it is just playing with cash! ;-)
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
First I would Incorporate, including the names of my children in the corporation so that we could collect the winnings as a group. Then I would pay off the homes of my kids; then I would give brothers and sisters something, probably cash, and for my grandchildren I would set up trust funds, and for my niece and nephew some cash even though their father is a millionaire. I would then check in to a spa and not come out until I am lean, tan, and healthy. Beyond that it's travel with the hubby.
11 years ago. Rating: 13 | |

winfia: Wonderful, unselfish comment. You are great.
Just put enough away so that I didn't have to struggle along anymore. Then share most of the remainder with family and friends, and give a fair chunk to the animal rescue. Listen up you will hear me shout if I win it.
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I Would by Copanhagan Zoo,to stop the uneassary killing f baby Graffie's
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Make all the repairs and upgrades to this little home.
Set up my sons with good investment income.
Vacation home!!!!!
Probably buy a larger home and take my three grandchildren away from their idiot parents until one of them got his/her head out of, well, you know...
Set up investment income for my grandchildren.
DEFINITELY contribute generously to St. Jude's, No-Kill Animal Shelter, ATSA, and a few other dear-to-my-heart charities.
Give some to my sister and my nephew, and a favorite cousin.
Invest the rest, tax free as possible, and travel, indulge, and enjoy doing whatever, whenever, for whoever.
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
A new Mercedes S 500 and then a penthouse co-op on a golf course.
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
They're are many homeless people here in Detroit too, and living under the expressway bridges.It's too bad there can't be some kind of hotels or rooming houses that these people could live in just for the price of a song. I would set up those places for them.
But, Jesus said, You will always have the poor with you.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Be debt-free and experience the feeling.
Ensure kids, brother and sisters are taken care of by giving them monthly income.
set up trust for grandson's education and well being.
Give to favorite charity that works on elimination of poverty and has established schools. One that does not give fish but teaches how to fish. I will avoid charities with high admin expenses.
Will travel and help those that need immediate help by providing fresh water and electricity/solar and basic housing.
Left over to be invested safely. Buy lotteries again!
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I looked at some elegant large apartments yesterday.I'd get mine furnished I think. I would give a lot of my current furniture away (Especially that horrid red couch) I'd have an interior decorator help me with the paint colors. I've always wanted to live neat and in perfection.
I'd have a cleaning person come in once a week.
I have one room set up for my granddaughters with lots of art materials, games, and toys and a Canary.
Once a week I'd have somebody for a catered dinner and build up a circle of friends. I'd have a good music system
I'd get a standard poodle or a Golden Retriever and another cat. (If my current cat would accept it)
I'd get a new wardrobe for me and my husband and probably my daughter. My husband would get the car of his choice.I'd get a Mercedes - a new one! My daughter and son are well set up, but I'd be sure and check - I know my brother doesn't need a cent!
I'd take a three-weel trip tp Aistralia and saty in a cottage near our son and daughter in law. We take lots of side trips and they would decide where to go.
Oh, this was fun.
I'd buy all new make up and fragrances on my dressing table. I get lots of creams and things to keep me looking lovely. I'd never buy Oil of Olay again. I've used that ALL my life. I want the fancy stuff.
I'd get a fairly small cottage on the North Coast. Maybe Gualala. I'd spend the hot months in our get-away place.
I'd take art lessons and the first thing I'd buy is GOOD paints, good brushes, and a huge canvas. In time most of the art in our homes would be done by me. Actually, it already is!
I'd like to find out how the people in Japan are living. If they haven't moved into nice homes yet, I'd make sure they did. I would research the best way to get shelter and food for those who need it.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
call mom tell her to keep a secret. throw a party at the fairmont hotel have surprise gifts to friends at party, pay for rooms and maybe have kc and the sunshine band play. put enough money away to live on the interest. make sure extended family members got rid of financial debts and got more security. start a foundation for children to get musical instruments; get with a dentist and start a foundation for people to get their teeth fixed if they don't have coverage (a lot of people have bad teeth in rich silicon valley); and have a fund for driver's training for youth, and for some grownups too. we still have 30,000 a year dying on america's roads.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |