    Did you know this is Random Acts of Kindness Week? I will do a random act every day and report at the end of the time. Try it?

    Good Deeds ...

    +2  Views: 731 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    An act of kindness is not practiced only during the AOK WEEK.  This is an attribute that should be a part of your being. Kindness, politeness, generosity, ethics, honesty etc should be part of one's being. It is better that AOK WEEK reminds you of this great attribute.  And keep in mind, BEING KIND IS NOT BEING STUPID EITHER.


    Your last sentence said a great deal. I do know a lady who tried to "save" a street person and she got attacked. I wouldn't want to be saved by her prayers ... I would say thanks and walk away.

    I helped an elderly lady to cross the road this morning, she wasn't very grateful though, probably because she wasn't waiting to cross the road, she was just waiting for a bus. Seriously though itsmee,  I will try to be extra helpful this week , and will let you know at the end of the week.


    Seems like you stole that from a Three Stooges skit?

    You may be right there, bustieone.

    I love them, did you see the remake movie, with Larry David as a nun, it is a hoot!

    Yes I like that sort of humour, not sure if anyone else on here saw the funny side though, we must have the same sense of humour.

    You poor thing, there is a 10 step program for that, and a telethon, to raise money too!

    It's OK Dave, I gave her a hand back to the bus stop.

    I am always kind to others: I hold doors; "actually, let cars pass in front if they are waiting to turn in, or out of parking lots"; offer to lift things; take shopping carts back as I am going into store, from those loading their car; take trash barrels to the street for an elder neighbor; snow blow the driveway for a neighbor, while he is at work; and use my manners as daily practice when interacting with others.  I also, model such behaviors for my grand kids now, and kids before that.  I used to have my son, sweep hair up for barber while he waited for a haircut, something he continued into his 20's...  The barber loved the respect that it demonstrated!

    I always try to be kind. I’m polite and respectful, I give the occasional dollar to those who seem to really need it. What’s mine is yours, etc, etc……….


    Julie, I think street people really enjoy a dollar or two (Or more, of course!) . The Powers That Be say give the money to us and we'll build a shelter for the people. The thing is they can't build a shelter quick quick quick on a cold night when all the people really want is a cup of coffee and a hamburger. Considering the story I told of the lady who got attacked, we have to remember to be very careful.
    I've heard that the lady is doing ok. She feels that she "saved" the man. She's taking all her shots so she does't get some dread disease. Maybe ptsd comes later. I dunno. She is working with the police.

    I will keep this in mind. First stop tomorrow, the Salvos store. I will donate clothes etc.


    Great idea!

    I fixed the problem of the double comment.

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