    Our council is a joke.

    Last September I complained to our council about a very large depression in the road surface right outside our house.3 Men turned up the next day & outlined the perimeter of the depression with little white lines.Nothing else happened until a week before Xmas when the same 3 men arrived in 3 different trucks & upgraded the little white line to little yellow lines.It is now february & nothing else has been done.What a way to waste money.Is your council more efficient?

    +8  Views: 865 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    Over here in England they do a similar thing, they put an orange line around the hole, and once they have done that it means you can't claim compensation. You spend all the time when driving looking for pot holes instead of looking where you are going.


    What a racket! We have some big potholes, but have never heard of anyone trying to be compensated for damages caused by "hitting" it. Every vehicle I have ever driven is magnetically attracted to them and hits them with regularity. Damnedest thing...

    Always complaning ,you wont be satisfied until you have a red line all around it,with spots on,


    The yellow lines clash terribly with my house colour.


    I must give my council their due, they are efficient in dealing with a lot of the crappy complaints they get, if they don't deal with it within 3 working days they must pay the complainer compensation, good old Scottish politics.


    Well that's better service than we get down here Roy. Maybe it would be a better idea if you Scots vote to taker over England, instead of voting for independence, we might get some of your benefits.

    We tried that hundreds of years ago.
    WE LOST.
    Maybe we will be better off with independence.

    Maybe Roy, you maybe right.

    I’ve never heard of such an action (or inaction). We just serve to avoid the hole and gripe when the fill it with loose gravel………...


    At least in Houston they put a big steel plate over the damage.I've seen them do that.

    Maybe your complaint was not clear Tommy. They thought you said "Please decorate it"?

    Tommy, it is probably due to a "frost heave", it will reverse itself when the grown thaws! Oh thats right, you do not get frozen earth...  Anyway, do not call again, it is costing you too much in taxes, next time, they will arrive with double the number of men and trucks.  They are waiting until it fills with dust and the dust knows to go where the yellow circle is!  Regards,   Or you could fill it in with horse poop, and call them to come and clean up the toxic spill in the road, maybe they will get the lesson...

    Perhaps a salary increase for the council would prompt them into action?
    You could write them a letter, so there is something permanent on file with the do-nothings.  You might want to go directly to the public works department of your city or county to see if they can get something done.  I don't think our city council would deal with a road issue.  
    Oh, in my letter, I would ask them why they didn't refer you appropriately in the first place instead of wasting the time and money and resources.  Next time the trio comes out, take some good pictures and make posters come election time about how the current council spends the taxpayers' dollars.  :D   

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