    what is best romantic valentine poems for you sweet heart

    +2  Views: 2069 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    I've never imagined that there can be this day.
    A day that love will find its way.
    Out of my heart and into your soul.
    These feelings I have are beyond my control.

    All my life I have ....????????

    You decide!


    Oh good! So good! <3 <3


    Have a look at these poems >>>

    Thier was a song called my funny Valitine,sung by whom i cant remenber,?somthing Cole,


    Nat King Cole?

    Some beautiful words there, Hector.

    yesssss thats it ,itsme,

    I Forgot about my old mate Frank,good job you did not put up a picture of him,

    I'm watching my back, CB has been suspended for 5 days, BAD GIRL.

    What was that film the enemy whithin,??

    Yes i got to know a lot about that,some of the police brought propertys abroard on the overtime they made out of the worked ,keeping them down,

    ut oh ... naughty girl .... hey there, sweetie. Come back asap!!! we miss you.
    country bumpkin

    Thanks guys, I'm back.

    Yay CB ... Glad you are back.

    Rosie, You may choose to use one of those beautiful poems/greetings

    Or you might like to write one of your own:

    I love it that you're with me. I like to hold your hand and take a walk with you. We look at the flowers, the cars, the bakery. Remember when we stopped at the bakery and got that Eclaire. Let's do that again. My treat. It will be a sweet for my sweet.

    You look so good to me. You must use some magic shampoo cuz your hair always smells so good. We always have fun. Going on a winter picnic would be fun. Wrap up all warm. I'll put my arms around you and warm you up even more.

    You're the one for me. You are so special. I trust you and you know you can trust me. Down below my words I have drawn a picture of you and me having a winter picnic. ( The animal in the tree is a squirrel, Sweet Heart. )


    This is just an idea. Use your own words and a Purple pen if you have one.  Good luck.                           



    I think it strange --
    The fire that burns in me
    When we two meet so casually

    When thought transcends
    I often wonder too
    If that same fire
    Flares up in you

    Nor would I dare --
    Though you should some day ask --
    To let you see
    Behind my mask.

    behind your what,??itsmee,

    Hector: I don't think any of us really truly tell who we are ALL the time. It's like we wear a mask. The writer of this poem chooses to not let her/his true feelings shown. : )

    So true itsmee,

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