3 Answers
Read here >> http://ehealthmd.com/content/what-causes-pneumonia#axzz2sodfcIuc
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
The viruses and bacteria that cause pneumonia are contagious and are usually found in fluid from the mouth or nose of an infected person. Pneumonia can spread by coughs and sneezes, by sharing drinking glasses and eating utensils with an infected person, and contact with used tissues or handkerchiefs. Handwashing is important when around a person with pneumonia, since the bacteria and viruses can also be spread to your hands and then to your mouth. Read more: http://ehealthmd.com/content/what-causes-pneumonia#ixzz2sqB8tYmo
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I went to the hospital with Pneumonia that I got from an antibiotic I was allergic to. I almost left this mortal coil -- real real sick. Anyway, my room mate worked in the kitchen and she knew all the nurses and all the aids. They came and went endlessly. Terrible. And then there was her family. They came in coughing and hacking and they came in hoards. My husband and I reported this to the administration and they found a bed for me. Just as I was about to move to a private room, I "recovered" and was sent home.
Pneumonia is bad. When you have the slightest idea that you might be getting it. GO TO YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.
11 years ago. Rating: 0 | |