    If world peace were left up to you, what three would you do to achieve it?

    +4  Views: 816 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    1. Reform the education system...completely. 

    2. Develop a World Court system to deal with crimes against the Peaceful enjoyment of life for all Living things.

    3. Integrate and perpetuate population / birth control promoting adoption of the world's orphans to the rest of the Human family.

    [I need way more than three though....xox  LL]


    I'd read em, lindilou. You're our philosopher, my drear. I like what you say. xxxx

    I definately agree with reforming the educational system. Testing doens't show how much a child has learned and what he knows.It only shows how good a memory he has

    1: Abolish religion.

    2: Abolish religion.

    3: Abolish religion.


    Religion does cause a lot of problems ...

    Teach peace. Teach kindness. Teach caring. Teach understanding. Give chances for jobs somehow. Get good mental care for people who have psychosis or neurosis.  Walk away from places where hatred hurts people. But help in places where your passion for right is this will help. Teach that we do not need things and fancy gas-guzzling cars to be cool people. Give prizes for scholarship not football. Gay marriage is a great thing. Keep people and families happy. When moms can take it any more have free drop in places for their kids so they can get a rest and then there would be less child abuse. 

    I need to write this again. It's 4:14 AM and I have to be up by 7:30. Please excuse my writing. (Remember when people always said that in their letters?)


    I do remember when people said "Please excuse my writing". Also, when you dropped in to visit someone (very common years ago) they would say, "Please excuse the mess". When I think about that now, it seems silly. YOU came here unexpectedly and I should apologize because there is a mess???? LOL!!

    Wise comment mademoselle Ducky. However, if someone dropped in unexpectedly right now ... I'd scream, grab my baseball bat (or something) and dial 911. (Our property is locked. Visitors call. Some people do not like this at all. And I don't care. If you knew this town, you'd like protection ... I don't know how to fix Duck but some people do. I see them hanging in oriental butcheries in China Town in San Francisco. You'd have to do some mighty flapping.

    LOL. We have a tin sign in our kitchen.
    "Our house was tidy last week.Sorry you missed it".

    You two...LOL!!

    Please excuse the mess...we fired the maid!

    Good one lindilou!

    it is a dream question Tabber,,but can never happen,,have a look at the differences of opinion you have got right here on AKA,,then multyply that by the number of people in the rest of the world,,,there will always be death ,hate ,greed ,jeoulosy, well you know what i mean,,some believe  the longer we live ,the kinda we will get,,even though we continue to find better ways to kill more in one hit,,tommyh says get rid of religion,if it was not for my belief i would not be the peaceful person i am today,,and if it was not for muslims there would not be as many terrorists in the world,,dont get me wrong ,not all muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are muslim..what i am saying is the killing and wrong things of the world will never end,,until the one who made us all,ends it,,he made us,,we stuffed it,,he will fix it when he end's it then we will all have our answer's...always nice talking.................................................................................................


    Great Points!!!

    1.  Develop and implement a system of insuring adequate food and medical care for everyone.

    2.  Meet with all the world leaders and the rebels leaders who want to overthrow them. Attempt to establish common goals and guidelines that promote peaceful assembly and dissension.  

    3.  Probably open a ton of medical clinics around the world that perform lobotomy surgery.  Sentence any "troublemakers" who are convicted to undergo one.   

    I do know a person who claims there is no such thing as sin. Were this person to be in charge, there would be peace throughout because nothing anybody did would be wrong!  

    terryfossil 1

    very wishful thinking Bob

    The whole question is wishful thinking, as you said.

    I LOVE IT!!!

    1. I would have all countries run by women.  2. I would have all peoples follow the teachings of Jesus......then it would be a utopia.   3. I would abolish all weapons, including chemical and gas and nuclear.


    1. remember Mrs Thatcher and the Falklands war?
    2. Would Muslims follow Jesus' teachings? And didn't He say 'I come not to bring peace, but with a sword'? (Matthew 10:34).
    3.With as many guns as people in the USA do you think that is practical?

    What would women do?
    What force would you use to bring people to Jesus?
    If you went about abolishing weapons ... you'd have to be VERY careful.
    I am not meaning to put you on the spot ... just curious.

    1. I wouldn't.

    2. Where is Utopia in the Christian community? Christians can't even get along or agree with the teachings they proclaim to follow.

    3. I suppose you believe this would stop wars and killing/murders. If man wants to kill, he will kill. Baseball bats, golf clubs, piano wire, rocks, automobiles, bare hands, all things that have been used to kill. Would you take away all knives, even the knives in your kitchen? You can't stop the killing and people have a God given right to defend themselves.

    the Christians that can't get along and have started wars, are not real Christians.They don't follow the teaching of Jesus.

    So, that argument is a mute point.

    Claiming people are not real Christians is a mute point. Anyone who goes to church, believes in the bible and believes Christ is God, is Christian. Even with all the varied doctrines out there in sects of Christianity, these people are still CHRISTians. Do you decide they are not Christian if they do not agree with you?

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