    What is the best way to organize my bookmarks.? I am completely new at this all I know is that I have a yrs worth and I want to organize them into seperate subjects

    I bought this computer from the store. I have been teaching myself bit by bit. I have never taken a class. I have bookmarked thru the year various headlines lectures etc. How do I organize them? Can I take a particular subject and ask the computer to give me every bookmark regarding that particular subject?


    0  Views: 1413 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: bookmarks

    1 Answer

    Which browser do you use? I need to know that to be able to tell you how to create folders in the bookmarks manager. 


    google chrome

    Click on the 3 horizontal bars, far right end of the browser. Click "bookmarks", then click "bookmarks manager". On the page that opens, on the left column, see "organize" (at the top in small print). Click that. Then click add folder and title it. Then you can left click and hold on any bookmarked links an drag and drop them into the folder. In the future if you bookmark a page that you want to add to that folder, when you click the star on the browser to bookmark the page, when the bookmarks box pops up, click the tiny down arrow next to "folder" and select the folder you want to add the page to then click done.

    Is that kinda the same thing as "favorites " ?

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