    do you have money



    +1  Views: 2548 Answers: 12 Posted: 11 years ago

    12 Answers


    I have so little money that the wolf is a constant companion, questioning the sale of body parts and blood...contractually.  


    robertgrist - just so hilarious!

    No ,so if your giving some away, all donations will be gratefully received.

    Yes,but i dont trust banks,I always keep mind safe under the trird floorboard at the top of the stairs,o,m,g,i will have to move it all now,


    Put it under the first floorboard next to the window in your living room Dougal, works for me.....

    I Will try that Ted it might be more safe thier,

    Hang on don't go too quick,I'm trying to write that down.

    F i r s t f l o o r b o a r d u n d e r t h e l i v i n g r o o m w i n d o w D a v e !

    Ok got it.

    hector5559 i hope you are joking. you know people will walk three states if they think you have money hidden in your house

    hector5559 - I have thought about taking the money out of the bank - more interest under my mattress. Reminds me once in casualty an old lady came in and had hundreds of pounds under her corsette so sweet there she was with this bulging corsette. Two of us had to count all this and put it in the safe! I know you are all joking.

    hector5559 - I saw something recently about a person/persons - living without money or endeavouring to do so - difficult I know - but seemed to work - cannot remember although should do interesting thought of course many would see this as being non-viable.

    That depends on what you're selling.


    Hahahha.Such as .......?

    Make me an offer and I'll tell you.;-)

    Yes - more trouble than it is worth - I am worried how to give it away - have about 40 charities lined up. Don't care too much about it - want to give it to genuine people in need and organisations although I am worried about the organisations as I would prefer to cut out the middle man. Ideally it is so good to see where it going and to the right people becomes a headache. Although in the final analysis does it really matter - but I hope I can sort it and put it to some good. I live in a slum - just horrible - waiting to move. 


    I'll take it off your hands for ya, Pops.

    mycatsmom - Ya - I know you and so many would like to - if I knew you more - I would review the situation. I felt bad posting the above as it looks like I am boasting - On the contrary to this money can be such a headache and it just happens I am lucky. Still hoping to move. You are so sweet but people like better if you are unassuming and say I have nothing I feel, if you understand what I mean - they commend you for admitting - "I who have nothing".:)

    Let some go to wonderful scholarships for worthy kids!
    When my Paw was a deejay, he and another dj came up with 'Santa's Anonymous" which is still alive and well today doling out food hampers and gifts for folks at Christmas that cannot otherwise afford it.... create something like that Poppygirl!
    Or ... send some cash to the Jane Goodall Institute.... I do so love the Primates... I do I do I do-oo-oo-ee-ee-ah-ah! 8D

    lindilou - when I am settled hope I get to this and if this ever happens - I will be looking at these sort of things - thankyou. Saw interview with Phillip Roth recently he is 80yrs. He said "When death is sitting in the room with you - you begin to understand your mortality. Yeah I know how morbid can I get.

    It's a fact! .. death I mean ... and the money thing is a by-product of a planet gone completely whacky baby! [ but we always have cats] If I had a tonne of cash I likely would end up just giving it all away a little at a time.I did that when I made an awful bootful of money as a minstrel in my other life B.C. [before children]. Now had I had a plan I may have saved that little mountain of cash however I digress... so, take some of that worrisome cash and create for yourself a beautiful home to live in... get outta that slum child! Your surroundings are paramount to a peaceful and enjoyable life... find that hovel or treehouse or penthouse or little-house-on-the-prairie and live Poppy3 live it up! Open an incense and candle shop just for fun or start your own non-profit organization to help stray cats or stray people or stray ... I don't know, trees! [do trees stray and if so where?] lol
    Just some ideas to shake your tree with honey! peace xox LL

    lindilou - let me say how I appreciate your very kind words - you are an inspiration - just need to find the motivation. I am on my way out of here - just doing e-mails as we speak - which are long overdue - so stressful - all this junk. Sometimes people have money but it is all tied up in property - I will need to change this - must find the motivation. Thankyou - and take care of you xox


    Monopoly money, but then I broke the monopoly and was ejected from the game. So I went to my preferred game..."Beyond Name and Number". 

    rabbs, do you have money? why or why not?



    If you're rich, I'm single.

    I get by. I’m not super comfortable but I inherited quite a bit, it takes care of my special needs…….


    I just wondered Julie if you come to London ,If you need anyone to show you around??

    Well, I AM allowed to take vacations……….

    I Will get to work on What shows are on ,and the 5 star restraunts,that are available,and of course a little rolls runaround,

    the rich always say what a pain it is to be rich,,and the poor always say give me some of that pain,,,,


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