    Colleen: How long were you without power last winter? What problems did you have? Did you have enough food? Water? Lights from candles, etc., Animal food, warmth, medication, etc.What did you do with your time? There are so many people living like that now ... Terrible.

    Storms,Ice, housebound,

    +1  Views: 517 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    I don't know if I'm commenting in the right place. Please move it if I have done wrong. : )
    My man and I have some reading to do. It all seems so complicated. Sometimes I just think I'll let it go... You know.
    I have Chronic Pain and it would be difficult for me to find an alternate medication for THAT. I'm saving up ... but it's not easy.
    The problem: Pay the every day expenses, have a savings account, pay for holiday gifts AND prepare for the bad-grid day. People who are younger than we are should pay close attention to what they can do ... but they don't.
    Sure, my question was addressed to you because YOU were the only one who had the information I was looking for but that was information important for everyone. Try to get it published, Colleen. I don't know what magazine ,,, also, it could be a column with a little bit of information every week.

    1 Answer

    That was 2 years ago actually. It hit Nov 31, 2011, since named the Halloween Nor'Easter. I was out of power for a week. I had bought 2 portable propane heaters because they did warn of possible outages. I didn't believe them 100% so I only got the 2 small heaters figuring if the power did go out, it would only be for a few hours. I wish I had bought  generator. It took 6 days for me to be able to buy one because the first few days no stores were open. Home Depot opened and sold all generators in just a few minutes. Each new delivery was sold before it even arrived at the store. My suggestion, if you do not have a generator, get one. 

    I always have a supply of food for myself and my pets. I buy ahead for the emergency times. Everything in the freezer. I put in a cooler and then put it out in the garage. It stayed frozen out there. Refrigerator stuff went in another cooler and stayed cold in the garage. I have enough food at all times that does not need to be cooked. If I had to cook something, I have an outdoor grill to use.  Water was OK. I'm on town water so even without power, the taps still run. My hot water heater keeps the water hot for 3 - 4 days. Then it goes to warm for a few days. So I could take fast showers. 

    I have battery operated lanterns that you can buy at sporting goods stores that last a long time and throw  lot of light. I also have a solar powered radio that you can hand crank to charge if needed. 

    What I did with my time. I read a lot. During the day, I went out to check on neighbors, then would drive north about 15 miles or so to find a signal for my cell phone. The towers were out in my state. I would then call my mother to let her know how I was doing. 

    It was cold but we managed. 


    Thank you, Colleen. With the threat of a power grid failure (electrical failure) I feel concerned for me and ... well EVERYONE. If it happened it could last a year. I never finished the newspaper article on this subject and I haven't researched it. I guess all I want to know is how could we be prepared if it happened.
    I think your supply of food is a great idea. I've started it many times but didn't follow through. It would be a fairly simple problem to solve.

    I don't know if there would be gas. If so, we could use our fireplace and our gas range for heat. I will find out tomorrow if the natural gas supply would be effected.

    We have a supply of water. We have big plastic bottles full. It would be water for cleaning and bathing if we needed that. We have a lot of clean water bottles but I think plastic water bottles may soon be a thing of the past.One of those water filter devices would be a good idea. I think they're called Brita ... and others. (Of course there may no be tap water. : ( )

    We'll look into lanterns at sporting goods stores. I panic at night when our electricity goes out for even a short time. I really like the idea of a solar powered radio that can be hand cranked. We have a good supply of candles and flashlights. But the nights could be long without reading. I wish we could get a hand cranked computer. : )

    It's great that you went out to check on your neighbors. If anything should happen, I would surely do that. Your daily ride of 15 miles to find a cell-phone signal would be a long long trip under the freezing circumstances. Were the gas stations open? We have cell phone signals across the street.

    I will find out the price of a generator. It seems like they would be expensive. However with a total outage there would be no gas for generators.

    It seems like a baseball bat under the bed would be a good idea because there would be people looking desperately for food, water,
    and maybe shelter. : /

    We would need a supply of medicines and first-aid stuff. This is just hard to think about. That''s why I haven't read more about Power Grid Failure. I will.

    I wish the half a million people in the Northeast well. It would be so hard to get around. So dark. So cold. Terrible.

    I live in California where the winters can get to be in the high 20's and the horrid summers have about 50 days of triple digit. We're spoliled but the thought of no air conditioning is .... well unthinkable!

    PS My husband mentioned that I've found a good way to find out how to survive a a short power failure. He thanks you too. I think he's a fan.

    Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I've been extremely busy these past few days.
    If you have the storage space, you can buy gas ahead. I keep 5/5 gallon cans of gas in my shed. There is a product called gas stabilizer. It keeps gas good for 5 years. I also have 3 20 lb bottles of propane in the shed. Watch for sales for a generator. If you only want one to run the furnace and electricity for the fridge and a few lights, you should be able to buy one for $350 - $400 on sale. Purchase a good heavy chain and heavy lock to chain it up with. Long lasting power outages causes people to go around and steal generators to sell for outrageous prices. With our outage, thieves would bring a lawn mower into the yard, start it up and leave it running, then steal the generator. The homeowner would hear the lawnmower and think it was the generator.
    As for medicine, I use very little man made stuff. I take colloidal silver daily. Colloidal silver can kill certain germs by binding to and destroying proteins. It is used to treat infections due to yeast; bacteria (tuberculosis, Lyme disease, bubonic plague, pneumonia, leprosy, gonorrhea, syphilis, scarlet fever, stomach ulcers, cholera); parasites (ringworm, malaria); and viruses (HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles, warts). It is also used for lung conditions including emphysema and bronchitis; skin conditions including rosacea, cradle cap (atopic dermatitis), eczema, impetigo, and psoriasis; and inflammation (sometimes due to infection) of the bladder (cystitis), prostate (prostatitis), colon (colitis), nose (rhinitis), stomach (gastritis), tonsils (tonsillitis), appendix (appendicitis), and sinuses (sinusitis). Other uses include treatment of cancer, diabetes, arthritis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, leukemia, hay fever and other allergies, trench foot, and gum disease. Colloidal silver is also used to prevent flu, H1N1 (swine) flu, and the common cold.
    I know it sounds like the old time medicine man's cure-all but it does work and everyone who has used it after I told them about it swear to it's effectiveness.
    Doctors will tell you it does not work, has no benefits and some even claim it's dangerous. They say this because they know it works and is a threat to the medicines they prescribe and make money from. As long as it is stored in a dark colored bottle (brown is the best) and kept out of the light, it can last a good long time.

    The expense.The work to get our house protected. The thought that we wouldn't be around in 30 years (At least I wouldn't want to) I have not given up ... but I think my man has. My daughter won;t listen. Her kids are the ones who will have to face this power grid FAILURE

    We have a new energy coming. We already have it actually. Once we get rid of the illegal government we have now, the one that operates opposite of the Constitution, we will have the new energy and this old fashioned power grid will be a thing of the past.

    Colleen: I would like to know about this new energy. Can you direct me?
    It sounds lovely! I'm always up for something new - new clothes, new fragrances, new ENERGY. You know me. : /
    I have taken medical transcription and medical terminology and the medicine you told me about sounds good. I'm really scared of getting the flu and about all I can do is wash my hands one hundred times a day. You know ...
    Nobody responded to my grid comments. Nobody cares? I was surprised. They'd rather talk to me about my wispy hair. Odd. My neighbors talk about the weather. My relatives ... oh forget them. : ) They are out there with their bibles trying to save us all. (Our kids are the exception. I don't know about my brother. I SHOULD find out from him but we got in a dust up. I'll try to remedy the situation in a few days. He's a smart dude.

    I think because you addressed the question to me, that is why no one is commenting to it. Ask the question as a general question and you may get replies. As for the new energy, I can not tell you much about it. My mother has read about it in certain books. It's definitely not something the government will admit to because they are making to much money from the grid now. It will change however, as soon as we get the correct president who is coming soon. For now, I would just prepare for 3 months of living off the grid. I do not think it would be longer than that. Get a book on homeopathic medicines that you can use to find alternatives to man made medicines, stock up on food that can last a year and makes sure you have an alternative heat source.

    Candle powered space heater you can make yourself for a few dollars

    Forever candle Can be used for a large space heater.

    This is pretty close to the energy I was talking about. We actually have the technology already. The government is keeping it secret however. Free energy for all when they actually take it out of hiding

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