8 Answers
I have a 1/2 pit bull. His mother is full pit and his father is a Jack Russell.
That's him on the right. The one on the left is a lemon beagle.
My brother has two pit bulls. All of them are great and loving dogs.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

My nephew found a mottled pit bull puppy, cowering in a bush, when he was 17. The pup had one ear lopped off, bleeding. Nephew took him home and named him "Brownie". He was the biggest baby in the world. Never hurt anything or anyone. Couldn't swim (sunk like a rock). Sat in your lap, all 60+ pounds of him. Barked when you were in the swimming pool, tail wagging 100mph.
When he became arthritic and cried in pain, his "family" took him for "massages" (seriously), which helped tremendously for quite some time. My sister had him euthanized and cremated about two months ago; his ashes are home.
My nephew is now 32. Brownie had at least 15 years of being loved and catered to, including raw chicken thighs every morning (and don't gasp; dogs don't barbecue before they eat their prey).
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
In most of our area, they are part of a top 10 list of dogs which insurance companies may not carry you, unless you buy a rider policy. And this is a responsible thing for those who keep them and these other dog breeds which are statistically more risky to others. This is factual, not breed bashing! I have small grand kids, and would not own one, cannot trust that the kids would be safe, doing kid things, etc.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Every so many years go by and they will target a new breed - Odd that they are banned in the UK being that's where they came from in the first place.
in the 50's the bad dog was the Boxer. almost a pit-bull
60's it was the Bulldog, everyone was afraid of this dog
70's it was the German Shepard -- Oh my!!
80's the Doberman took the lead.
90's the Rottweiler.
Now in the new century we have the nasty mean Pit Bull.
Funny how time changes what hits the news. So, I would guess that all the 'bad dogs' in the past quit biting people after their run of fame because all you hear today is pit bulls. strange!
I don't think there's a mean bad dog, only mean bad dog owners that teach these dogs to be mean, either through training or mis-treatment. when a dog attacks, it is doing what it was programmed to do, dogs are not reasoning creatures, smart yes but reasoning logical, no! They operate on programming. Yes, some are more aggressive than others and will attack if provoked to do so.
Imagine that you are being harassed to a point that you feel you must defend yourself-- Many times this is the case. Dogs can be dangerous or they can be the most loving member of your family, but that choice is yours, not the dogs. They live to please their masters.
Ironically, if I were to say which dog is the most aggressive, I would say the chihuahua! small but deadly! I call 'em 'ankle snappers' .. Imagine that in the size of a pit bull! LOL!! Fortunately they can't whup anything.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I'm scared of them. I never know how the owners treat their dog. I've read many stories of these dogs attacking kids and old people. Anybody weak. I believe I'll hear from the people who love these dogs. I just never will. I wouldn't let my grandkids get near one. Ever. We had a neighbor who had one. I think he raised his dog right but whenever the dog saw me he growled and lunged. Yes, I'm scared.
11 years ago. Rating: 0 | |

I hope the thumb is up. I meant for it to be.