    what abut my future

    +1  Views: 879 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers

    It looks bleak. Save your money.


    Very good answer.

    Good advice for anyone.

    good answer and funny.

    We can't answer things like that. It depends on what you work toward and what you want. 

    What about your future? How would I know? I’m not physic. Depends on who/what you are? But believe me, you have the power to change or continue, to become whatever you desire……..

    Reminds me of a time when my buddy and I went by a fortune tellers store.  Out front was a truck for sale, we went in, friend says, "if I buy it, will you give a free fortune?"  She says sure!  He, "tell me it first, so I know how long the damn thing will run, before we buy it!" I shook my head and apologized, we did not buy the truck.... 

    decide what you want to do and go after.  That will be your future.

    It would be nice if I could tell you with certainty that you have a long, happy, healthy, successful life in front of you, with a wonderful marriage, great kids, a fantastic job, no money problems, and peace.  
    But I can't.  


    You could say that, It might not be true but those words could be typed. : D. Fortune tellers do stuff like that. I actually know a psychic. He gets rich from rich women who believe and trust him.

    Obama was here in Fresn yesterday to talk about the drought. I haven't read about what he plans to do. I hope he figures it out. I've suggested a Rain Dance but nobody listens to me.

    Guess we don't need too much of a dance the past couple of days, itsmee. Thursday at FCC, I noticed the drainage is HORRIBLE. The sidewalks were flooded. I loved it, though! Let's hope we keep getting some good drenches for at least another six weeks.

    It looks


























    It looks bright!




    Syed, I see your future has being hard and requiring a lot of work. But, you will come into money.

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