    Happy Birthday to ME...LOL...well someone had to say it!..Sorry am such a big kid..sometimes just can`.t help myself!!! :-(

    +5  Views: 794 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    Already wished you a happy one in e-mail and elsewhere on the forum but one more can't hurt ;) A very happy birthday to you!

    Thanks Colleen...Message was lovely!XXX

    10 Answers



    Thanks pythan...and my favourite colour too!

    Orange light is healing. Orange is my favorite too.

    The answer to that is Never grow up. No where in my handbook does it say I have to act a certain way at a certain age. Enjoy you birthday and do what you do . Its your day! Happy Birthday : ) 


    Thank you!...Nope eternal child..I was actually a lot more grown up when I was 5!!:-)XX

    Yeah me too. I'll never grow up . life's too short to be that seriouse

    I can't post pics on this site anymore otherwise I would send you a big,big cake.(With 21 candles of course).


    Thanks Tommy!XX 21..PLUS 100..MORE LIKE!xx

    Tom, are you in the same boat as me, i've tried numerous times and i can't post pics either. - i can't understand why they changed the format.

    Yes kent.I have had a word with Colleen about it.You can no longer post pics that are stored in your computer.Only pics from websites etc appatently.I don't understand why either.

    Tommy, because the picture uploader on the add a new answer box is not formatted for uploading straight from the computer. It is only formatted for url addresses. In order to upload straight from the computer, the uploader would have to become the host for the image. Like Photobucket is an image host. It creates a url address for the image. Because the uploader we have now can not create a url address for the image, then images from your picture folder can not be posted. I hope I've been able to explain this so it's understandable. It's hard explaining how things work sometimes.

    Bulletman, they had to get us another add new answer box. The add new answer box is it's own program. Our old one broke and they could not fix it so they found this new one instead and added it to this site. Unfortunately it came with an image uploader that does not have the image hosting feature the other one had. They are working on making us a new website that will have all the features we like along with some new ones. That takes time so do not look for it too soon. For now, they are still looking for an answer box that will work with the akaQA format and give us the ability to upload from our computer folder. They just have to find one that matches the programming of the forum.

    Thanks for the reply Colleen.It's a little above my computer skills but I will get my son in law to explain it.At least I know where to start now.Thanks again.

    Happy Birthday, Millie. I'm glad your b/day is goin' great with the kids making you supper.



    Thanks mcm...(No signs of poisoning...YET)!!!;-)

    Happy birthday Millie, hope you're having a fantastic day. X

    Well then, Happy Birthday to Millie333. And many more, all great and worth celebrating. Do it for a week……...


    Thanks Julie..I started my Birthday Celebrations yesterday..Sunday...the kids made me let`s hope I make it to 6AM ..the time I was actually born!!LOL

    I think I’m the only baby born in the afternoon, 3:54pm Hope your day is REALLY YOUR DAY, make it special. Birthdays are great!

    Trust ME to pop out so early!!;-0...AND with police escort to the hospital too as massive snow drift that year..ALWAYS the Full Drama Queen!!LOL XX

    Happy Birthday, millie! Sorry to be late!


    Thank you..may`ve been late..but I`m so much later on here due to no access!!..tu very much!!:-) XXX

    Best wishes to the happy go lucky, Millie -- Happy Birthday.:)

    Happy Birthday MILLIE. I have an idea. Take a piece of your birthday cake to the "kid" at the Italian restaurant who chatted you up. I sure would. (Actually, I wouldn't cuz my dear husband wouldn't like it) but YOU can. Do! LOL.   xoxoxo


    Thanks SOOO much to you and everyone...Have been tearing my hair out as ABSOLUTELY NO I/NET ACCESS ALL WEEK SINCE LAST Monday A.M...and wanted desp to get back on here to see you all!!!:-0 XXXX

    What was wrong with your internet? I have a severe problem when the TV or the internet fails. But ... anyway I do hope you had a happy cake. XXXX

    Thanks its..had 2 Great cakes!!:-)..problem at my place with i/n connection...may well be without again some of next week!:-(...STUPID STUPID ME..AM at "Grandma`s"...have left charger behind..need to be on here as much as can gonna have to waste more money on ano charger a.m!!:-(...power very just trying to ko some tu quick as I can now!!XXX


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