    Would You Volunteer to Get the Flu For $3,000?

    Scientists are looking for volunteers way. I've not had the flu in 12 years or so. I'm not about to volunteer to get it, even for 3 grand. 

    +3  Views: 1959 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: flu volunteer

    4 Answers

    The ere is no guarantee that you would live, who knows what strain they would be giving you. Obviously, they would be searching for the cure, however, that means that they don't have the antidote if something goes wrong. Therefor, I'm out. 3 grand...HA!...Who do they think we are...lab rats?...Might not even actually be the flu virus...just some kind of biological warfare agent that (the government) is looking to neutralize for themselves in case of some sort of attack on us that they know about but won't let US know may happen soon...They always know more than we do...and leave everyone else in the fend for ourselves. As long as THEY are safe,(because they THINK they are superior) then the heck with the rest of us...It's worth 3 BILLION (at least) to them, And because of the economy, they assume a whole lot of people will "unknowingly" give their lives to keep a few self proclaimed" important governmental officials" safe from such an attack. Just my opinion...but something to think about. (Food for thought.) I know it makes ME wonder...WONDERER...I wouldn't recommend it, even IF you need the money. Is it really worth your life? 

    I last had the flu when I was 8, maybe. I’d have it again for 3 grand though. I just can’t imagine being as sick as “they” say……..

    No.  I might think twice for one million, but a friend of mine got a flu shot three years ago and is still having side effects that have caused her excruciating pain, and made her work as a critical care nurse much more difficult. She hasn't been able to bowl a game without taking 2-3 minute breaks between each frame, with a 10 pound ball....this from a woman who bowled 6 game tournaments regularly, with a 15 pound ball. 
    No, $3000 isn't worth the risk.

    I don't want the flu. I won't have it. I already did that about 12 years ago.

    When I go to the doctor's office for a physical or to get a prescription filled, I ask for a mask. I don't know how far the germs fly when someone coughs or sneezes.

    I always wash my hands ~ It's almost to the point of being obsessive but I REALLY don't want the flu. I use water hot as I can stand it and get a good lather going. I sing Blackbird a few times. After I wash I use another wash that doesn't use water. I take cotton swabs, dip them in alcohol and touch the computer keys to clean them ~ I am very careful not to get any liquid in the workings

    I sincerely wish you all good health. When you come in your house from being elsewhere always .... (You know)  : )



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