1 Answer
In Maori, it means color
TAE buffer is a buffer solution containing a mixture of Tris base, acetic acid and EDTA. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TAE_buffer
It can also mean:
TAE Tasa Anual Equivalente (Spanish: Equivalent Annual Interest Rate)
TAE Trial and Error
TAE Trans-Asia-Europe TAE Thomas Alva Edison
TAE Telekommunikations Anschluss Einheit (German: telecommunication connection unit)
TAE Taegu, South Korea (Airport Code)
TAE The Automatic Earth (blog)
TAE Thinking At the Edge (Gendlin philosophy)
TAE Tris-Acetate EDTA buffer
TAE Technical Assistance Exchange
TAE The Apathy Eulogy (band)
TAE Trans-Arterial Embolization
TAE Tactical Espionage Action (gaming)
TAE Transportable Applications Executive
TAE The Avalanche Effect (band)
TAE Total Absolute Error TAE The Animal Enclosure (web forum)
TAE Total Asymptotic Efficiency
TAE Transportation Acquisition Executive
TAE Military Sealift Command Ammunition Ship
TAE Trucs et Astuces Express (French: Express Tips and Tricks; blog)
TAE Tax Assistant Examination (India)
TAE Trainee Account Executive (various organizations)
TAE Teacher's Annotated Edition (textbooks)
TAE Technical and Adult Education
TAE The American Enterprise (American Enterprise Institute publication)
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