    What do you think about people threatening to throw bombs at the olympics this year. Would you go?

    +3  Views: 1091 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    I don't think I would go unless I had a child performing in the olympics. Then,I would go and just pray. The threats have been so out in the open, I think they are going to be thwarted. It's not like when we had no warning about the Boston Marathon Bombing.

    10 Answers

    Throw them back.

    Lived threw the troubles in the UK, nothing new here.

    First, I would not go to Russia. It's legal to beat up homosexuals there. I wouldn't go to any Olympics no matter where they are held. It less expensive to just watch them at home. I had not heard the people are threatening to throw bombs. I bet every event like the Olympics get all kinds of threats. I will not be watching the Olympics this year just because of Russia's homosexual propaganda law. 


    It's actually Islam that are sending in the suicide bombers,not the good side of Islam, ALL WOMEN, hard to take.
    They're F****** COWARDS!

    Legal to beat up Homosexuals?? I never heard this but I know they are anti-gay. Any reference to this claim?? That is 3rd world violence, i didn't think the Russian g'ment was still in the dark ages. I don't agree with their anti-gay stance but I don't know if I believe its legal to beat on anyone. They are more civilized than that. I have some 'Ruskie' friends here that are transplants, I'm going to ask them too.

    When Putin signed the Homosexual Propaganda law, they went back to the dark ages. Homosexuals started getting attacked, harassed by a force trying to put them back into hiding. They (the gays) are doing their best to stand up to it. When I said it is legal to beat up gays, I meant the government looks the other way. They are not doing anything to stop it. This should help you to understand what is going on in Russia right now due to the propaganda legislation. Some of the videos are hard to watch unless one believes gays should be beaten up

    I see all of the crap that comes out of Russia, Putin is an Oligarch who doesn't give a s*** about the people.
    Hard to fight against.

    I'm not even sure who to blame. Putin, yes but a lot of the people there feel the same as he does. They want gays to just disappear, one way or the other. As for support from the people of Russia, I think they would be afraid to support gays right now so everyone just looks the other way when homosexuals are abused. This is the way it will be as long as Putin is in power and if his successor is the same as he is concerning homosexuals, it will be a long time before Russian gays are free. Russia is following Islamic law when it comes to homosexuals. Unlike Islamic law however, Russia (for now) does not use the death penalty against anyone who is gay. They can be imprisoned and fined (and beaten up with no one coming to their aid) if they promote their sexuality though.

    I support gay rights, I don't believe this question is about that.

    No but it is part of my answer and why I would not go to the Olympics. The continuation of my answer is simply because of comments posted to my answer. I do not see where I said you did not support gay rights.

    good points. we have to learn to accept people as people.

    Nothing to do with the Olympics but anti-gay behaviour is considered acceptable in many African countries and the Caribbean. Check out Uganda anti-gay laws, and consider the Nigerian woman who gave away her male cat because it was making advances to another male.

    Yes, I know about those counties too. I was just answering a question about the Olympics being held in Russia and why I would not go since part of the question was, would you go? No for two reasons actually. It's dangerous to be a homosexual there and dangerous if bombs get thrown and you can not throw them back.

    I hate to join this conversation so late it's been all over the news that they were beating up Gay people men and woman they hate gays they are just evil really just more EARTHSCUM on the planet .....

    I need to keep up with the news Mel & all. Important stuff. I kind of pick up my news right here.

    Colleen, sorry I didn't get back sooner, been too busy. I had talked to my Russian friend, she advised me that you are totally correct! Where its not 'legal' to murder anyone in Russia, they do tend to turn a blind eye to mistreatment and murder of homosexuals. She also says that things are~ changing but it will be years before acceptance is policy. This is very sad I think because looking at Russia today, they have come a long way in the past 20+ years but there's old ideals old habits are difficult to break. Her parents are still there and she worries about them because they are old and they are not accepting the new changes, lived in a communist state all their lives and they are very uncomfortable now. To me, this is the same thing only opposite-- Socializing America is going to be a hard nut to crack with us older generation, we would need to be gone for the full effect to take place. Funny though, Ironic, for many years we tried to push our beliefs on Russia, just about the time they change we too are changing--to what they were!

    The thing about terrorism is that it is meant to scare! I personally hate large crowds so I would not go, but I think all precautions are being taken to keep people safe.

    Afraid? No, the chances of being blown up are in my own favor. I’d love the chance to go to Russia…….


    Me too....adventure of a life time I think.

    I WOULDN'T BE THE LEAST BIT AFRAID OF THEIR THREATS.  My problem would be that I'm afraid to fly. If not for that I'd go. Sure, I would!

    I didn't know that about the anti Gay thing. Terrible. My brother goes there about once a month. (Some government business) I wonder if he knows about the anti gay thing.

    The next time the Olympics will be held in Japan. That's a little better of a choice. But not much. 


    JAPAN I would boycott them for ever what they are doing to Dolphins in Taiji is really bad they stab them with a skiff they separate the pod from their mothers kill the mothers for meat then the juveniles are taken to or should I say sold to Sea World who then starve the Dolphins to do tricks most of the Dolphins miss their pod so much die in the first year by holding their own breath I Hate Sea World as much I boycott them as well please never go to JAPAN most of the meat is poisoned from the earth Quake at Fukushima xxxx

    Did you see the documentary Black Fish? It is ALL about the harm Seaworld is doing to the Orcas. The Orcas swim around around in a tiny (to those huge animals) pool. The boredom drives them insane. And we wonder why they harm trainers. The trainers just kind of fall in love with the Black Fish and most do not advocate for Blackfish safety and health. So sad. Do see that documentary. And boycott!
    I would NEVER go to Japan. I don't want to be that close to the nuclear stuff. However, it doesn't really matter because the radiation is going out through the waters of the oceans and will reach us coastal people in time. I saw a Geiger Counter on a beach in Pacifica. A place I love to go to. The Geiger Counter was going at top speed. It was terrifying. Japan hasn't allowed some of the top physicists and others who know the oceans to come and help them fix the leak that was started when the Tsunami hit Japan. I'm wondering about the current housing for the Japanese people who lost their homes (AND EVERY THING) when they were hit.
    The day of the tsunami, I went to a luncheon and almost all the people there were Japanese. (kind of relatives - not close) I need to gather more information. And will. Thank you. You woke me up.
    I took white flowers in a white vase as a gift to our host that day. I bought the gift BEFORE I knew what was happening in Japan. Gives me chills to think about it.

    Japan is a no-go zone with radiation levels that are criminal...Japan is history...they know it.

    How do we get more information, lindilou? You say it's a no-go zone but the Olympics are going to be there after Russia. Maybe I'm I'm wrong?

    Lindilou: I saw a Geiger Counter at a beach I love. I saw it just clicking away at top speed. It was measuring the radiation coming over from Japan. That convinced me. I wouldn't go to that beach I love anymore. Thanks for the links. I'll go to your links soon. Pacifica is just south of San Francisco right on the Pacific Ocean. It is a top place for surfers - a famous place even.

    Itsmee yes seen black fish have you seen The Cove really sad too well worth seeing this alb out Taiji quite graphic but it will make you think and know more about what the truth they are hiding a lot of Japanese don't even know what happens in their country they do now as there was a mass killing a couple of weeks ago one of the biggest catches ever over 250 Dolphins in one day well it hit the media all on the news in every country JAPAN Activiest are now doing demos brilliant the world now knows what scum bags they really are even their president had to do a public speech he lied through his teeth saying it was a tradition well it all started in 1946 not even a hundred years ago do how can this be a tradition 68 years is not tradition for the Fukushima fall out the fish are dying and are full of mercury the fish have been reported in Canada with mercury and some parts of the States it will affect the whole world eventually when the sea dies we die the governments are hiding so much like they always do I wouldn't eat fish ever now xx

    Lindiloo yea seen that link before these bloody governments make me sick as you say the Mercury level is really high it's in the water babies are dying woman are misscarageing And so on o bet JAPAN haven't even warned the their own people x

    Yes Mel and itsmee...this problem is not going away...unless we can think up some insanely ridiculous thing to save the planet...which is not all that far fetched because thoughts are things....I think we need to ask for help from extraterrestrials NOW!! Obviously we have access to higher technology and we should head in that direction no matter how hard these 'governments' want to hide the facts...see here >>>

    Lindilou: I will come back later tonight or tomorrow. I have a front page story to read. I have to take them one at a time. The situation seems to be getting so much worse rapidly. This is my headline: FEARS GROW OF MASSIVE POWER SURGE. This, I believe, effects only the United States. On first scanning, my hands shook. Really.
    Read tomorrow when this back stops screaming at me -- Scoliosis. (Discovered late in life.)
    Thoughts are things ... Yes. THINK HARD, Darlin'

    itsmee darlin' you can get some back pain relief via Reiki or Healing Touch and if you go for some not too strenuous swimming...I found swimming helps strengthen my neck and back...I've suffered terribly over these last few years with pain due to arthritis of my neck and spine..dangitall...after watching what my child went through I just 'suck it up Princess'...which is tough to do...but I can't stand the drugs they dole out for pain and will admit that "de Herb mon" has helped me immensely to control pain combined with staying strong and getting stronger by swimming with my little chick! Massage is very good as find someone to barter with....xox LL

    Lindiloo I will have a look at that link thanks sweetheart xxx

    I will see it from the chair I am in home. I would like to learn Russian as a language and my dad taught Russian history in college. No interest in going there soon. 


    your dad taught Russian. Beautiful. That's what i like about this site. So many people with so many different backgrounds.

    Russian history, very intresting subject in fact

    I would like to go,but I wouldn't go to Russia at the moment, not while it's being run by this evil bunch. I'm not worried about people throwing bombs,otherwise I wouldn't go out around here.

    I afraid I wouldn't go to Russia regardless if there were the Winter Olympics the country is run by Russian Mafia and have no regards for animals and they have no mercy for there own people barbaric would not entertain Russia /china/JAPAN   


    Good saying, mel. We ALL need to know much more about this situation. Documentary, Blackfish is a start. Japan is a terror. I'm just learning about Russia.

    I agree with Robert, my chair is the best seat in the house.  If were to travel, it would not be there, but somewhere warm and friendly. 

    Anyone who is throwing bombs needs to be incarcerated promptly and maybe be the victim of a bombing himself....just saying. 
    Clu and I are not fans of big crowds; a huge affair like the Olympics would not be fun for me.  Slipping in for a specific event would be nice, but not being stuck in all that mess of people for days. Russia would be a spectacular place to visit. My cousin has completed several mission trips over the past years and it has stolen his heart.  


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