10 Answers
First, I would not go to Russia. It's legal to beat up homosexuals there. I wouldn't go to any Olympics no matter where they are held. It less expensive to just watch them at home. I had not heard the people are threatening to throw bombs. I bet every event like the Olympics get all kinds of threats. I will not be watching the Olympics this year just because of Russia's homosexual propaganda law.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
They're F****** COWARDS!

Hard to fight against.

I WOULDN'T BE THE LEAST BIT AFRAID OF THEIR THREATS. My problem would be that I'm afraid to fly. If not for that I'd go. Sure, I would!
I didn't know that about the anti Gay thing. Terrible. My brother goes there about once a month. (Some government business) I wonder if he knows about the anti gay thing.
The next time the Olympics will be held in Japan. That's a little better of a choice. But not much.
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
I would NEVER go to Japan. I don't want to be that close to the nuclear stuff. However, it doesn't really matter because the radiation is going out through the waters of the oceans and will reach us coastal people in time. I saw a Geiger Counter on a beach in Pacifica. A place I love to go to. The Geiger Counter was going at top speed. It was terrifying. Japan hasn't allowed some of the top physicists and others who know the oceans to come and help them fix the leak that was started when the Tsunami hit Japan. I'm wondering about the current housing for the Japanese people who lost their homes (AND EVERY THING) when they were hit.
The day of the tsunami, I went to a luncheon and almost all the people there were Japanese. (kind of relatives - not close) I need to gather more information. And will. Thank you. You woke me up.
I took white flowers in a white vase as a gift to our host that day. I bought the gift BEFORE I knew what was happening in Japan. Gives me chills to think about it.
Read tomorrow when this back stops screaming at me -- Scoliosis. (Discovered late in life.)
Thoughts are things ... Yes. THINK HARD, Darlin'
I will see it from the chair I am in now...at home. I would like to learn Russian as a language and my dad taught Russian history in college. No interest in going there soon.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I afraid I wouldn't go to Russia regardless if there were the Winter Olympics the country is run by Russian Mafia and have no regards for animals and they have no mercy for there own people barbaric would not entertain Russia /china/JAPAN
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Anyone who is throwing bombs needs to be incarcerated promptly and maybe be the victim of a bombing himself....just saying.
Clu and I are not fans of big crowds; a huge affair like the Olympics would not be fun for me. Slipping in for a specific event would be nice, but not being stuck in all that mess of people for days. Russia would be a spectacular place to visit. My cousin has completed several mission trips over the past years and it has stolen his heart.
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |