    what are the future

    +1  Views: 2394 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    I predict you’ll learn to speak/write in English properly……..


    I predict you will not learn to speak/write his language properly ........

    If given the opportunity, I would……...

    REW: What is your issue with Julie that makes you feel it necessary to disparage her? Comments like that aren't amusing.

    Thanks, Bob. It didn’t effect me much at all……...

    let see world wide web and yet you expect some one to speak proper english ? seeing how you are from America you do not even speak proper english we speak american only ENGLISH speak proper Queens english so why expect some one from a differnt country to speak or write proper english on here or predict they will ?

    Expect? Where’d you get that from?

    predict / expect same thing your predicting which means your expecting them to learn proper english

    Perhaps he/she will………...

    okay perhaps you will learn to speak and write his/her language properly too ..........

    If I choose to you can bet I will……..

    RED, what is wrong with you today? You attack Julie's English proficiency filled with countless errors of your own. "The pot calling the kettle black" is how many people see that kind of behavior. When you're perfect, THEN get in someone's face.


    Bob why should she tell someone from another country to learn how to speak and write proper english when in TEXAS they have towns that only speak spanish and everything is writen in spanish town meeting are in spanish if you want a writen copy of the meeting in english you have to put in a request for it and yet she wants other people to learn and write proper english ? And back to your frist comment on disparage same thing she did to the person who asked the question about his English .

    Oh, geez. There is proper English and there is English that is down right wrong. (the same goes for punctuation…..) Why are you picking on me?

    Why pick on the person who wrote the Question ? Your prediction was picking on his english .

    Dear badar’s buddy. The war is over. Get over it, too………...

    REW, Julie did not tell the member to learn to speak and write properly. I interpreted her answer as encouragement. You chose to view it negatively and launch an attack on one of our most loved and respected members.
    Next, you rant about Texas and grouse about the Spanish speaking population. Your remarks are insulting and scream bigotry.
    I won't belabor the quality of your texts.
    Given the connections you have, it is moot to report you for abuse, but your comments and attitude are nothing less. I don't know why you are so hateful to Julie, but get control of yourself.

    Good lord. I take some hours off and this happens? Why does everything here have to get so far out of control? REWs comment was simply a reversal of what Julie said to show the point of at least badar. tries to speak another language. If I had to make a call, Julies answer is insulting to badar. This is not because REW has connections either. It is because she made fun of how he worded his question. REW did not attack. The use of the word attack around here is too freely used. REW let the whole thing go until you showed up Bob asking why he disparaged her when she disparaged badar. Now the war is truly over. Everyone get themselves under control.


    Unknown. Every nano second that passes changes the future. 

    Children are the future.

    The future is buying a lottery ticket and dream of winning a $BAZILLION USA Dollars. While waiting cheerfully, in anticapation of the effects of winning, you imagine yourself in that position...and you begin to consider the negative effects of winning all that cash...and the taxes, how everyone and family members are all asking you for money including the guy who cuts uour lawn, works on your car or teaches your kids. Every Church in the world will seek a handout and its endless. You can dismiss the negative implications for  a while but they keep comming back and the more you think about it the more you worry to the point of rage and and the drawing is approaching and if you loose none of that will happen. But then it could happen and and sweat pours just know you're going to win....and you really don't want to win anymore...the one of two things happen: You loose and feel releived or You win and every negative thought related to vast wealth churns through your head. You won and you are overwhelmed by every thought you have ever considered regarding the pro's & cons of money. Been there...and happily realized I could just live my life as I had already choosen and at the time take the wildly excessive money issue out by ripping up the lottary ticket releaving myself of a very unwelcome burden of responsibility.

    Many have told me they would have accepted the money, maybe they were right for them.  

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