10 Answers
Move on, it's not easy...http://www.wikihow.com/Forget-a-Person
11 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
It's funny, if you love somebody and you break up, you cry and experience sadness for a while. However, as soon as you even see someone else you are attracted to, your heart skips with joy. Get a picture in your mind of the characteristics you would like in a new love one, and be open. It will occur. I've experienced it. i give myself 2 weeks to be sad, and that is all. I realize i rebound quick. I knew one beautiful lady that took years to rebound. Whatever your time to rebound, its great to look back and think about the good times with your x. But great to think about the things you did not like about your x and say "yippy, I'm glad that's gone and over."
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
You let time heal the hurt. You will probably never totally forget, but after you "go through the process", you'll know when you are ready for a new relationship. If you deny your feelings or try to start a new relationship too soon, it could delay your recovery. I like setting aside some grieving time. Set a timer for 10-15 minutes. Cry, whine, look at photos, cuss, whatever, but when the timer goes off, you get busy with something else.
The book recommended to you, "How To Survive The Loss Of A Love" was VERY helpful to me when Julie suggested it to me, right here at akaQA.
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |