    If you were to write a book about your life, what would you call it?

    I don't have a name to share but I'm thinking of it. 


    My book would be called The Harbinger   (A very spooky love story)

    The other would be Iris' Crisis (It's a funny story about a woman in rather late middle age. When you first meet Iris, she's struggling through an Algebra class.)


    The next ADD To The Bone (Non fiction, humor ... about a woman who finds out at age 50 that she has Attention Deficit Disorder. Her doctor gives her a magic pill and she goes on to do a lot of stuff. She wishes that she had found out she had this devastating problem diagnosed when she was 3 like all the other kids but it was what it was ...


    I didn't just come up with these ideas. The ideas have been rattling around for YEARS. I probably won't do a dang thing with them. I know me

    +8  Views: 1163 Answers: 15 Posted: 11 years ago

    I moved your post to the added information area of your question. Please do not answer your own questions. People TU the answer giving you double karma for a question. Some find this an unfair advantage to gaining karma. You may not care about karma points, but other members do. They have a right to question double karma.

    I apologize! I never did understand this. I think Karma is great. I don't work for it but I always like TU. I never do understand this. I think I've got it now.

    It's true that I didn't post here to gain added Karma. Karma surrrre wouldn't work if you cheated. : D Colleen: What about THE LIFE AND TIMES OF A MODERATOR. It could be humor or horror or a mixture.

    Moderating is not my life so it really won't work as my life's story. I think a title like "One of the Different" based on my life as a lesbian might more cover the story of my life. ;)
    (I do know that you do not post in the wrong places just to get karma. That is not something I ever questioned. I just have to say something as a mod so people can see it does get addressed.)

    Thank you for the Karma comment, Colleen
    I think your title "One of the Different" is good. Lesbians will relate and buy it. Women who are not Lesbians will be fascinated. My personal thought: ALL women are some part Lesbian. I don't have statistics on that. It's just my wild guess. : ) There are many who won't admit it though. I have had my day ~ a very confusing time for me since I was married and had two children. I left the relationship as well I should have. We all survived.
    Ok ok ... I'll buy your book. All you have to do is write it, girl.
    I really wonder how many akaQA would go through with the difficult writing process. I thought at one time I would but now ... I give up.

    15 Answers

    I'm not a victim, I'm a survivor.


    PL: Write It. It has the ring of a best seller. Honest.

    There are so many books out there with that title these days.But then again, everyone has a different story to tell.

    That is absolutely right. There are books on the subject because that's something people want and need to learn about. Your words won't be like anyone else's. Your great title might be changed by your editor if it's too close to anything out there. I'm going to do a little research for you tomorrow. I know a woman who knows a lot about the subject and is very well published. She was going to work with me but my writing wasn't right for her. Yours would be, I think. Sometimes I really wish I could email people.
    Next Day: I looked and I can't find her. Maybe she retired or got tired of the struggle that writing can be.

    I wrote a play about my experiences in the mountains when I was a youngster...I entitled it "The One Woman Play"....


    Did you send it around. Does it have an audience yet?

    It is an unpublished play as of would make an awesome movie though! I would have to screenplay write it but hey...ya never know...

    Take a class in Screen Play ... Find your readers for feedback and go for it. I think you are the type of person who will carry on.
    I have always though that people who give their ideas here on akaQA are WRITERS and I always wonder what rattles around in their heads. : )

    ...Ella Fitzgerald and 'That Old Black Magic' is rattling round in mine!!! lol

    I’d call it FROM THE BOTTOM UP or BOTTOMS UP………...


    I wonder what the cover of your book would look like? : ) It sounds good. I'd read it. Uh, tell a little more, Julie?

    "Waiting In The Wings"


    Nobody is telling about these. I'm so curious. That one could be humor or horror. Whaaaaa? Never mind me if I'm being too snoopy. K?

    Get TO it,woman. Start flapping !

    It seems like I waste a lot of time waiting for something instead of doing something. Getting better, though....finally


    It's got me stumped Itsmee.War and Peace is taken.But then,"It's got me stumped" might be a good title.LOL


    LOL...yesss...great title!

    Tommy - - -Crocodile Dundee

    "It's Got Me Stumped" would be ideal. I see that as being humor/philosophy (if such a genre exists) War and Peace is taken ... ha ha Mr. Tommy. : )

    MCM. Ssshhh! Don't mention crocs today!
    We had a croc incident over here on Sunday.A 12 yo boy was taken.Up near Darwin.

    ....and that is why I do not like them (crocogaters) at all and wish they had gone the way of the Dodo bird....dang that is sad Tommyh. :(

    I'm sure sorry to hear about the croc incident. : ( Was the little boy in the croc's territory. by saying that, I sure don't mean that the croc had rights to do what he did. TERRIBLE. I'll talk to my daughter-in-law in a few days.

    There were 2 kids involved.They were swimming where they shouldn't have been swimming.There are warning signs.One of the kids fought the croc off & was taken to hospital.They found the other one's body yesterday.(What was left of it).The authorities in the Northern territory are searching for the croc.They have shot & killed at least 2 over 12 footers.

    The wondererful experiences of the amazing real life stories of the amazing real people of AKA.(We would ALL be famous...)


    I think that too wonderer. I wish wish we could do it. If each one of us could put 400-800 words together and we could get an editor and go looking for a publisher. We would not only be famous. WE WOULD BE RICH.......maybe. : )

     A book about my experiences was written some time ago. Its free on-line

    My life has been challenging, as if my life has been dirrected hilariously to faulter at my own whim, prosper fantastically through others...gratefully yeilding nothing in return for myself, and finding a great position without public note. An experienced oxymoron of great-small things and small great the Quantium oxymoron term and the atomic bomb...small~great. A curious knowing not to be a fish, but a riddle in the sands of time, forgotton in the tide and remembered eternally.   


    I have a poem floating around in cyberspace too. I don't know where and I didn't get paid. I liked it because it was a long poem and they put music to it.........coo coo cool!

    I'll read it sometime when it's not 3:11 AM.

    If only. That's what I would call it, about the things I should have done when I had the chance.


    IF ONLY ... Just seeing your proposed title makes me think I need to get away from the pull of TV and maybe do something constructive with my life. I'm drawing Tigers for my doctor but somehow that it isn't enough. ha ha.
    IF ONLY .. Do a paragraph. See what you think. You know the only Nike Motto JUST DO IT. : )

    The Life and Times of a Spent Bullet.:)


    Hmmmmmm ..... Hmmmmmm ...... Hmmmmm. Ah, I've got it --HUMOR!

    One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.


    Read it already.
    Are you adding something new?

    The generous supply of cuckoos offers endless sequel opportunities.

    Hope you recover well.

    Sure sure ... One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Part II. I'd like to read the story of the life and times of Big Nurse. Did I call her the right name? You know what I mean.
    Better yet ... What happened to the Indian after he flew the nest.
    That was such a good movie and an even better book.

    My life's mission is to rid the world of all the Nurse Ratchets.

    Chief Bromden descends into clinical depression and begins hallucinating.
    End of the chiefs story.

    Digger, Ahh ... Nurse Ratchett ... Go ahead! Rid the world of her kind. Yay!
    Sad end to Chief Bromdan, ROMOS. I like him to recover and start the good life.
    Good comments, I think. The both of you.



    Why Oh why
    Do you
    Hate Pie?!

    It got my attention!

    My autobiography would be called , " My Life- - -- An Exercise In Frustration '' 


    It would be interesting reading. I, for one, would relate,

    Boring Book.


    That could be fun ... Have you tried. LOL.

    My Life


    You gonna try it?

    Riveting title.

    u betcha! : )

    "L-rd have Mercy on the Working Man" (ME!) 

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