    What is the best insulation for crawl space under a house?

    Is foam or Batt insulation best for crawl space under a house?

    0  Views: 727 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: insulation

    Batts, it is easier to work around pipes and wires. foam you will have to cut to fit around pipes and wire.

    3 Answers

    I think you will find that a vapor barrier is most important, keeping the moisture out, and insulation depends upon the climate that you reside in, I agree, check with local codes. 

    Whatever is rated by the building code in your area. A regular insulation that is used on exterior walls will work. 

    I see you edited your question. I agree, batts is easier to work with, especially if you have to do renovations at some point. Removing blown in insulation is a messy, labor intensive job. 

    James says not to put in insulation in a crawl space, the skirting should take care of it……...


    James does not live in a cold climate, does he? My basement and subbasement are insulated against the cold. You just do not put the insulation up against the wall. You build walls and insulate behind them leaving a gap between wall and cement. As for the sub basement, what rats! up there calls a crawl space, you insulate the ceiling. This keeps the floors from getting cold upstairs.

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