    I am going to have a tooth pulled. It's the upper and the farthest back. Have you had this done? Do they put you to sleep? Do you take Nitrous? I'm kinda scared.

    dental work

    +3  Views: 450 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Hi Sweetie...what are you still doing up missy? You should be getting rested up for that dentist appointment tomorrow!!! Actually...telling you not to be afraid seems silly...I still get anxious going to the dentist and they're my very favorite kind of doctor! I've spent many, many hours in dentists chairs...7 years once to correct a busted jaw...without surgery and in partnership with a craniopathic chiropractor....I had to have my jaw re-broken...yes while awake (my sister fainted...good thing she was sitting down at the time) and had to go every day, even weekends...I was in agony for a long time...the Doc would shoot clinical time-release cocaine into my jaw joint so I could function...the whole ordeal cost me nearly a hundred grand...ouch! But you won't need to go through any of that rest assured!

    So you'll get to the office and if you are especially anxious they may slide you an Ativan to help calm your nerves...but you should be good because things will go smoothly...ask for a wedge to hold your jaw open if you need one...usually used for kids but it really helps relax your jaw ( I totally need one)...then they'll use a topical freezing to numb the area where they need to give you a shot...if needles ook you out then it's best to just calmly close your eyes through the process and try to meditate yourself to a nice warm tropical visualization-place...then you wait a little while for the numbing to take effect...and then the Doc will come and gently and easily extract the tooth in question....and try not to cry like a little girl ( even tho' I do when I lose a tooth  :(  ). That's pretty much it...I get a brand new toothbrush for being such a big baby by the way!  Loves ya hon...chin up...keep smilin' babe!   xox


    Hector5559 darling is that you? Long time no squeak!!! How are you and Wills getting along there? All is well mehopes! xox LL

    I see your name and 'm happy. I love to hear from you. Did you relax me? Yes, a bit. I've never heard of a wedge but it seems like a good idea. I'll ask.
    They asked me if I wanted to be put to sleep and I didn't know. I didn't know what was involved. It doesn't seem so terribly terrible. I can make it. I don't need to be put to sleep. I'll save my money. Anyway, I do hope they have Nitrous (laughing gas) That's just so nice. Last time I took a lovely trip back to 1982. Ahhhhhh.
    Your busted jaw sounds awful. How did you do that? I've never heard of dentist prescribed time-released Cocaine; It sounds like it would help. I guess I won't ask for that. What would thinkle peep?! -- after all I'm having a very minor procedure.(to them)
    You helped me, girl. Yoou'll be right beside me when I have the job done. : )) xox
    So, you're a fan of Hector too. Hi Hector. Haven't seen you for awhile. Dew Drop in much more, guy.

    Sadly...cocaine is a drug for dentistry use that somehow escaped onto the streets due to someone finding out about the groovy mountain people of the Andes who use it (they chew the actual leaf)to cope with high altitudes...I guess it helps the lungs somehow to breathe way up there in the clouds...the drug was not a prescription but used in-office for special cases...the duration of the drug was @ 3 days with only slight euphoria which explains why my sister and others would accompany me...I couldn't drive! I mean legally wasn't all that debilitating actually and worked sufficiently to ease the pain...why a broken jaw? Well it's a long sordid tale itsmee with too many dashings of spiritual detriment so suffice it to say that I was beaten badly when I was 13 and walked around with a busted clean through right face was puffy and my lower jaw stuck out but I wasn't in too much pain until several years later when I ran into an amazing Korean Naturopath who turned me on to the most wonderful team of dental-surgeon and craniopathic chiropractor on this planet and
    the rest is history! xox LL

    Bless that Korean naturopath and, of course, you. xox

    After years of fighting it, I finally had all of my teeth pulled. You can bet they knocked me out. I doubt they would do so for one tooth. The afterwards was easy and I didn’t take any pain pills. Dentistry has come a long, long way. It’ll be over before you know it……….


    I remember when you had that done. I thought you were very brave. You never complained about the afterwards. I thought it would be terrible.

    It was a breeze except for when it came to eating, then I had to get hungry enough to eat something brave!

    Don't be scared itsmee. Hear in the UK they don't put you to sleep to remove teeth anymore, they give you an injection of strong anaesthetic, that sometimes hurts a little, but once your mouth goes numb you won't feel a thing. Don't be scared it won't be as bad as you think, think of something pleasant and relax. Thinking of you today, x


    Thanks sunnyB. I believe they will give me something to deaden the pain. I like that you'll be thinking of me. Actually, I haven't made my appointment yet. I wanted to talk to my ADVISORS before I had my work done. I think they might laugh if I told them just who my advisors are.
    We are kinda imaginary people but the words that are typed to me are often much more helpful than those of friends, relatives, or neighbors.

    I've had lots of teeth pulled and have NEVER had pain. I always had a shot or two of novacaine; have never gotten anesthesia, which carries risk. There is even  technology in use whereby you don't even feel the needle going in. Fear, many times, is far worse than the actuality. Lastly, is a regular dentist going to do this, or a dental surgeon? My previous dentist was reluctant to pull any teeth, and referred me to surgeons, who were great.


    I'll be going to a dental surgeon. I had a choice and I do believe I made the right choice.

    Where you go makes all of the difference in the world. My friend went to someplace cheap and paid dearly for it. He could have gone to my dentist and suffered not at all for $75 more……...

    I've been through a lot of dentists in a short time. I want to trust them, afford them, and like them. I practically knew from the first hello to the office that it would be the right place for me! It is.
    You know awhile back, I had a long thread about dental insurance. The dentist couldn't find that I had it. I do have it. I'm going to make the next sentence in caps.
    If YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE SHARE DENTAL INSURANCE WITH BLUE CROSS. THE SECONDARY PERSON (usually the wife) WILL BE UNDER THE NAME OF THE HUSBAND AND BLUE CROSS OFTEN DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THIS. It starts all sorts of problems and the office said it happens frequently. We're good now. Blue Cross is on the case!! : )


    Let us know how it went.

    Hi Clonge, my appointment isn't set yet. I go to a surgeon for a consultation first. I hear he/she (man & wife team) uses Nitrous, full anesthesia, Novacaine ... I think I'll be good to go with Nitrous (which I REALLY like and Novacaine which always takes away pain.
    They have guaranteed me an urgent care appointment if I should have a toothache. Sounds like I'm in the right place. : )

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