    What effects if any, does Ginger Tea have on the common cold?

    I've had this nasty chest cold the past two days and my wife insists on drowning me in her "famous" Ginger Tea. Is she and I wasting our time with this witches brew?

    +2  Views: 1621 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    Try taking 500mg of Vit C about 4 X a day. But, only that much when you have a cold.It helped me.

    4 Answers

    The common cold is a virus, don't go out in the cold weather with wet hair is a myth as are a lot of old wives tales

    The health benefits Of ginger are countless. For one, it has a natural soothing quality. Fresh ginger has been used for thousands of years as a natural relaxant. It relaxes not only the mind, but the stomach as well. It has been a staple in the routine for many expectant mothers, particularly early in pregnancy, as it helps to ease morning sickness. It also has been known to help ease motion sickness. By drinking a cup of ginger tea prior to getting in a car or on a boat, many users can thwart the stomach upset typically caused by motion sickness.

    Aside from easing stomach upset and calming the mind, ginger tea is also used to help avoid indigestion. It neutralizes some of the stomach acid, reducing the burning sensation associated with heartburn and indigestion.

    I just got this from  Lemon and ginger are strong cold remedies in themselves; together they form a powerful one-two punch. Lemons are high in vitamin C, which helps support the immune system. Lemon juice's anti-inflammatory qualities soothe sore throats and irritated membranes; it also has an antiseptic action that helps directly fight off the cold virus. Ginger helps stimulate perspiration, which cleanses the system and brings down the body temperature. Like lemon, ginger also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger also acts as a cough suppressant.

    I've read and heard that ginger tea or other forms of ginger are good for nausea, and motion sickness, but I never heard it's good for a cold. 

    If you treat a cold, it'll be gone in a week. If you don't treat a cold, it'll be there for 7 days.

    Better than taking antibiotics as colds are caused by viruses and antibiotics don't work against viruses.

    Take the ginger tea as it will make your wife feel better.

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