    i dont understand love!


    0  Views: 714 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

    What’s to understand? It appears out of no where, makes no sense, affects your life. and rules the roost………...


    Oh Julie ... That is just so good. So true. Borders on kinda scary.

    I don't understand it either, but I know it is a very powerful emotion.♥

    Love is a many splendid thing, its the April rose that only grows in the early spring, it's nature's way of giving a reason to be living, a golden crown that makes a man a king. Once on a high and windy hill, in the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still, then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught me how to sing yes, true loves a many splendid thing.


    You picked a powerful poem.

    Many a song have been written on that subject, and for good reason...

    All the great poets write about LOVE and DEATH. Nothing else matters much. If they write about nature, you can just bet love is hidden in their words. I'm going to get my poetry book down and do a little reading today. What if you have two loves at the same time? What if it comes at the wrong time?  What if your love starts a war? What if your love shocks your family? or You? There's nothing you can do about Love. If you have it, it is YOURS. In that way Love is like Chicken Pox the difference is that true love will last your whole live-long life. 

    Good luck, boys and girls. Sometimes when it comes your way it's best to run! tee hee.

    Neither do we! ""

    Join the club. Most don't understand love, but most love it when it hits them.  But the great part is when you love someone and they love you back.  Everybody may not, find love for a variety of reasons, but if you are one of the lucky people, enjoy the gift of love while its here."Lover lover oh so true, I hope your lover sees the beauty in you."  That's kind of what love is. You appreciate, and you are appreciated for who YOU are by you lover.

    love is love


    Tiara, I think what you mean don't understand why someone would treat you a certain way in a relationship. .......and all the other ins and outs of a love relationship. But love in it's puristest form is good. Read Corinthians 13--- about the bible . That is the best explanation of it.

    Tiara, I think what you mean don't understand why someone would treat you a certain way in a relationship. .......and all the other ins and outs of a love relationship. But love in it's puristest form is good. Read Corinthians 13--- about the bible . That is the best explanation of it.

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