    Mac goes Mad. Yup, Maverick 10.9.1 is a system trap designed and distroed by Adam and Eve's fruit tree.

    0  Views: 600 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    The prog in question, when loaded, will leave your aging Mac with just a few basic programs and no access to anything else. This tight little box crushes your box into an equvolent to a little I-pad. This is day two on this adventer into tiny-tell. I did call them to see what they had and apparently the want me to go to a fruit-vendor to buy something. So have you been served rotton fruit lately?

    1 Answer

    I love my MAC but have to admit, I don’t do anything close to it’s potential.  I can’t imagine going through what you are……….


    Thanks There are many similar reports. The problems are a system lock-out and Apple's temp solution is a barly working version of Safari so you are not entirely heels-up. That's better than nothing but it runs entirely out of memory that provides no save options. I've tried expanding ram with the dvr that it will not run and thumb drive but none of that helped. Oh, well I'll just have to drive the 100 miles to the nearest Apple store to get it cleaned uo and reset. I think I'll call them about it first . If I can mail it in for repairs I will do that and use my other Mac to keep.up on-line. My OL uses the newer Mac and she won't mind if I use it at night.

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