5 Answers
I shop at Trader Joes about 2 times a week. I buy kiwi fruit, bagged raw walnuts, eggs, yogurt, apples, olive oil. salads that average 3.99 each, chocolate dark (they say dark is good for you, bananas. don't get addicted but their olive oil potato chips are the best. I try not to buy them too often. In my area this store is always packed now, unless it before they close or real early in the am. oh yeah vitamins, cq10.
8 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Clonge: I like many many items at Trader Joes. I've tried Orange Chicken (Yum) Japanese Rice (Yum) Fruity Bran Muffins (Yum) Eggs (Free Range) Flowers (inexpensive) 72% chocolate Bars, Tortillas (Not so good but an ok dinner or lunch)
Everything is good there. The clerks are fun. Nice. Laugh a lot. I wish they had Trader Joes all over the place. I believe they are mostly in southern CA where people have more $$. I shop there only occasionally.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Never heard of it . Is it mainly for shopping online? I love dark chocolate, and blueberrys.
11 years ago. Rating: 0 | |