    It's not a question it is just to say thank you to all of you on posting your comments on about the death of my Oscar I am still in shock I am so pleased that he did not suffer and his death was very quick I think if some one had said five years ago you can only have him for five years and he will be taking away from you I still would have had for the five years on a heat beat Thank You all Again

    +3  Views: 916 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    Bless you Mel!..I`m not surprised you`re still in`s a terrible thing that has happened and it will take time to feel better!..The fact that you said you`d have done it all again even knowing he was so young says such a lot..he was obviously adored and had a fantastic life and brought so much happiness to you..and you to him!...He`s at rest now and it`s the people who are left behind who left to does get can`t see it at the moment no doubt..but I have some wonderful,funny and just lovely memories of my little cats I have lost over the years!...Hang on in there..don`t be ashamed to cry..only people who don`t love them and see them as important family members are the ones who sometimes cant understand the grief you are going through..I`m right by your side here!..Thinking about you a lot and sending my heartfelt love xxxmillie

    Millie thanks Hun for your thoughts on this I know it will get easier it's now over a week but still feel the pain thank you again xxxx

    10 Answers

    Very sad news Mel.  We, as humans tend to out live our pets unless they are turtles or parrots.  It is never easy.  As a pet owner, our heart breaks with every single loss.  I worked in the pet industry for the better part of my life, not only have I lost many pets but my customers have as well.  Every day is a happier day when one's beloved pet is alive.

    I have a great old cat that adopted us by walking through our front door.  Our glorious feline is now on her last legs.  The girl is grand ... but now exhibiting 'old lady behaviour'.  When my husband say's, "I want you to look at this.", I always reply, "Please don't tell me she is dead."  Our Lilo Maya Maya does not move from her chair these days.  ... It breaks my heart. 

    Take care.


    I would normally add a 'fish of the day'... but your remaining feline/s would only be tempted.  I am not exactly sure how large your feline family actually is. 


    Fish, have you any idea the age of Lilo Maya Maya ?

    Not a clue bm. I began feeding her before we bought this house as she was hanging out in the play house which is a miniature replica of our house. Lilo was emaciated and so, I began bringing food around for her. The girl fattened up, then moved in when we did. She has recently dropped half her body weight and her hair is falling like mad. Nothing wrong except old age.

    Thank you sweetheart for your thoughts we have Phoebe who is three and Harvey who has one eye and don't know how old he is and we also have Alice who is Fifteen she lived across the road and her Family have moving to Dubai so I took her in but she lives in the Garage she is so scarred of her own shadow one day when she is ready she will move into the house

    I'm sure he was a lovely little character, you will have your memories of him for ever. Take care Mel, thinking of you and your little Oscar.


    Ah bless thank you so much sweetheart

    A pet is a member of the family and as such, the loss is no less of a loss. 


    I totally agree Hun they are and will always be thank you x

    My pleasure. You are in my prayers……….


    Thank you sweetheart

    You are in my prayers,mel


    Thank you sweetheart

    MEL, , so sad for you on the death of Oscar, he will never die whilst you have his memories of him, it is really hard, i still get misty when i think of Sabrina;  Oscar was not just a cat, but a family member.


    Thank you sweetheart so much sorry for your loss of Sabrina yes it's so hard and it hurts I feel such a loss and the house does not feel the same I know in time I will get over it lets hope soon I know I will never ever forget him thank you again xxx

    I know how it feels to lose a pet. Oscar will remain in your memory forever.Take care Mel.


    Thank you yes he will always remain in my memory thank you sweetheart

    He must have been a special cat. He's darling on that picture .


    He was but aren't all animals special thank you sweetheart

    Take care of you Mel. Allow yourself to grieve and do not let anyone tell you, "he was just a cat, you do not need to grieve so long or so hard. "

    Grieve as you need to. He was one of God's creatures and you loved him and he loved you. It's OK to miss him and OK to cry. Take care of you. xx 



    Ah thanks Colleen as you say I would never ever let anyone say he was just a cat he was and will be my fur baby for ever he had such hard little life before I rescued him from abuse yes a Child of 5 yrs old was using him as a punch bag when got him home he fitted in like a glove to the house hold never had problems with him thank you for your kind words Hun

    My rescue cats are extra special..You did a great thing Mel saving him from a life of abuse and exchanging it for a life of love! XXX

    Millie thank you for your kind words sweetheart xxxx

    Every morning I look at my old cat, Peeve. She seems to look pale and I know that sound odd. I'm always afraid she died in her sleep. I'd be heartbroken. She will go in this years, I think. She's old.

    I think of taking in a rescue cat but I know how dangerous wild cats can be. One almost put me in the hospital.   I was reading the paper on the floor and she attacked my arm with her arms and legs and claws. She was heavy and I went into shock. Maybe rescue cats aren't for me.

    Mel ... Would you like to try that. I know your heart is heavy and I'm trying to think of a way to make you happy but the thing is ... you just won't be happy now.  Now you grieve. Sorry. So sorry.



    Thank you do much sweetheart for you thoughts on this I am waiting till a cat finds me they normally do over the years we had 6 that found the ire way to us I think they know this is a good house to live in lol you know what I mean it sounds like you are allergic to cats of its that bad you must get a eppipen to stop you going into shock or get a kitten that' needs a home so you can train it sorry to hear about your old cat I wished that they lived longer Hun xxxx

    I think I used the wrong word, Mel. An epipen wouldn't have helped me. It was the power of my cat's anger. It was just like an attack from a wild animal. She was a huge, fat cat. She was unhappy with herself. She would scratch us and just be dang mean. Terrible. Two vets told us to put her down but I couldn't do it. COULD NOT. She attacked me because I was down on the floor going through some important papers. She sensed my focus and she didn't like it. She wanted my attention just for her. I kept thinking she would get thinner and be a better cat but it didn't happen. Eventually, we did put her to sleep. I cried a long long time.
    You love Oscar. He was a good cat and I'm glad you had a chance to meet him and love him. He was happy and lucky to have you. We learn from our cats. Don't we. Be well, Mel. It will be a lucky cat that finds you, dear lady!

    Itsmee I am sorry you had to have your cat put sleep you never know she might had something wrong with her brain thank you for your kind words Sweetheart xxx

    I swear to you that I never considered brain problem. Now I am thinking that's definitely what the problem was. It helps, mel. xx

    Itsmee that's all I can think of did she do a lot of mewowing it also could have been fits we had a cat that had fits we didn't know this as they don't really have fits like we do they tend to round in circles it turned out that he was blind and had a brain tumor I'm glad this put your mind at rest it really sounds to that with the behavior probs that it must have been some sort of brain disorder Hun xxxx

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