Please keep her in your thoughts as she is grieving the unexpected loss of her beloved cat Oscar. He was 5 years old and passed away during the night. She asked me to post this for her because she is too upset to do it herself.
I am so sorry for your loss Mel. I know your cats are not pets to you, they are members of your family and children to you. I send you love and light in your time of sorrow.
Oscar <3
13 Answers
i`m so sorry for your loss..My heart really goes out to you!..(I lost a kitten last year and her Mother 3 weeks after and I was beside I really do empathize)...I`m not sure where you are but in the U.K..we have helplines 24/7 for people who have suffered such losses..(They are lovely people to talk to and help you as much as anyone can..You also know you have Colleen and all of your friends on here if you need us at anytime)!..just love and prayers to you..all my love Millie xxx
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |