How do I get into this program. I have been trying for over an hour to get to the place where I can put in all my tree information. It keeps asking for my password and then it says it isn't correct. I am hugely upset Why did I buy this program? if I can't use it
1 Answer
This is akaQA, you were able to create an account and access this forum fine. Go back to the other website and click "forgot password" and make a new one.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
hola colleen! doing my "homework" it is a english project! just checking my unread notifications! just dropping in every now and again! lol! [tired already but have to do it is for marks]

And yet you're back here. How can you focus if you keep leaving your work? Don't mess up! You need a good grade!
Hi nice, are really cool with your studying and tidying your room etc..I bet your Mom is really proud of you..any parent would be! sound like you`ve really got your head in the right place! lovely to see!..Have a good day at school tomorrow sweetie xxMillie..Yeah just be careful not to spend too long on`s difficult not to I Know..but we want you to be our Grade A student!!;-) xx
Oh sorry honey,I didn`t meant to upset you..well let`s just say whoever is raising you is bringing up one sweet and clever girl!XX
You are bound to get emotional honey...Just keep up your good work and enjoy your spare time.xxhugs from me x
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