    Would you be interested in a humor writing group?

    These groups are informal, we trade critiques, help locate markets, share information with each other, and have fun while doing so.  Humorists include Garrison Keilor and Jeff Foxworthy.  We have to deal with a little of life's pain to enjoy a good laugh, and don't forget to laugh at yourself now and then.

    The ONE thing that never changes hands is money.  No fees given or expected.

    0  Views: 2156 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    I would love to be in one such group. When and where are we meeting ?

    It sounds good. Let me know when and where we are meeting. It's a good idea! At this moment my e-mail isn't working. I'll get at it tomorrow. We may have to post our addresses here. it's ok with me, I guess. The posting would be on a certain night at a certain time. How's that?

    Not a good idea itsmee. Never post personal details over the net.

    I think my humor is too dry for one………...

    Impossible ... or were you joking? : D

    jh, me too.When I say something I mean to be funny, no one gets and and no one laughs. Nobody says anything. JH,We should go and have a few beers together and yuck it up ;-)

    When people come to akaQA, they bring their personal problems or some question that gets in the way of their life functioning. Maybe this isn't the place to try humor skills? It does get really funny here sometimes. I'm sorry folks don't get your humor
    "Yucking" it up in a bar over a" few beers" might be the way to get more laughs.

    9 Answers

    I'm already in one called AKA QA. :)


    I wish akaQA would pay us by the inch, the foot, or even the mile. : ) I think a critique group would require a qualified leader. A qualified leader would require pay. That said, the right creative teacher can help you if you want to publish and be paid. On some days this is what I want. On other days it scares the liver outta me.
    Writing words down is just a small part. At least half is finding the place where your words would have an audience. I'm gonna take a look around. Maybe ....

    Tommy - - - -hee hee.

    These kinds of groups are interesting but my suggestion would be face to face at a location in your own city/town such as the library, community college, at your church, senior center, recreation center, etc. Face to face is a better way to learn and/or participate.



    The classes I went to were face to face. You are so right that is the way to do it. Later we did group work on the computer. I wish I could find a group like that and I'm looking around. You don't have to want to SELL anything. You can be in a writing group just for fun. If Opportunity knocked and wanted to give us dollars for words, we could accept it! : )
    I'm in a new, HUGE town and don't know my way around...yet.

    You've recently moved?

    Three years is a new town to me. If it was small it would be ok. It's a dangerous place for sure. : ( . Most people I meet have been born and raised here. We moved here because this is where our daughter and grandchildren live. I'm glad we did that but it has it's not so good aspect
    as well.

    Good and bad everywhere I guess.

    I am interested and would appreciate more information. Thank you.

    depends, yeah, we will all be in them some day...

    Pythonlover, Do you have any ideas how we could do this? I've been in a group similar and they seem to work out good.  itsmee



    If he even replies to you all, just send your contact details to the admin and they can forward them to him if his e-mail address is valid. Just remember, you are taking a risk sharing personal information with a stranger. He should build a website that you can join.

    Thanks Colleen.


    Yes..... Because I love to write and to make people laugh   :-D


    The image that represents Freethinker doesn't look like I could critique his type of writing even if that worked out. There's all kinds of writing, of course but the members should have some thing in common. If I want to write about little kids and housework, it wouldn't work for me to be in a group of physicists preparing their masters thesis papers.
    I wish you good luck in find a critique. I wish the same for me. : ) Let us know. K?
    I like to write too. When I first started I could write for HOURS while listening to music. See how that works for you. Instrumental music works best for me. Otherwise I could start out my writing day composing Eleanor Rigby all over again.

    itsmee, You could be the new Erma Bombeck

    I already did an "Erma Bombeck" type of newspaper column for two years. I want to try fiction ... sexy stuff even! Can I say 'sexy' here? We'll find out.

    Sexy itsmee! :)

    Ducky, Ummmmm. LOL. Will it stay? or Will it go? Actually, I've tried it before AND if you ever want to laugh my feeble attempts at sexy writing are funny. They are not supposed to be. I probably shouldn't head off in that direction but I've always wanted to. (I just don't want anyone to laugh.) My writing group got the giggles and I was embarrassed. I huffed out the door and didn't return for two weeks. I returned and continued on writing about dish towels and fish frying.
    I like the way you write. You could .... Yes!

    I enjoyed writing in high school. It was easy for me and I always got top marks. I've thought about learning to write properly but haven't done it so far.

    Ducky, I believe you could do it. You gotta start though. When I started I was sooo green. I had taken no writing classes. I just went for it. Both my parents were writers, I think it may just be something I have to do. It feels like it.

    I write jokes/funnies quite a lot here and this is not the only place that I see our humor pop-up, with or without a personal prompt. I’m sure there is some way to RSS (really simple syndicate) what we do here that’s we would all like to see. 


    I don't know of a way to syndicate RSS. I tried. I had some stuff all set to send a couple of months ago. Chickened out. I guess I need a human to point me in the right direction.
    I believe you could publish. Have you done it before?

    I have received RSS previously, but not presently, to keep desktop clutter low.

    I don't know what RSS is. I know what syndication is. You write 400-800 words send it to maybe three newspapers. If they accept then you are put on as a regular. The pay is terrible. When I think of that part I just want to dust my desk ....

    I am familar with the writer/artist/fame games for money. I don't like the money and/or vice versa. Pop is fun and I enjoy selling pop because it is quick easy money that is short term because anyone that sees it Thinks "I can do that!"...then buys one and runs home to stock-up and produce a thousand of their own to sell. I can and have made $10K on a weekend mass sale of the same thing. After the first sale day...the entire stock is gone and hundreds of patrons are seeking to get theres and I'm doing something else.

    Oh, ho hum ... easy peasy. Sure, sure ... I can do that! Now, ahem, to tell the truth I don't have a clue what Pop is. I wrote a weekly column for two years. I left town on Saturday when it appeared. (The editing process scared me really bad) Sometimes it would take me all week to come up with an idea.
    Robert ... What is Pop?!
    Everybody says column writing is "easy" too. I sure didn't find it that way. No way! My editor promised me syndication and I kept waiting and waiting. Nothing. There would be money if that miracle would have happened before I blew that Soda Pop stand.
    I will not be one who says, "Anybody can do Pop." What the hay is it?! I do not have a clue. Perhaps anyone can try!?

    Pop... I use the term as in the spotaneousl recognition of a set or varrible string . We see and recognise objects by (the varribles of) touch, taste, smell, shape, color, size, and so forth. Our brains takes two or more varribles to produce a state of "recognition" that I termed "pop".
    It is that little magic moment when the brain is working like mad for that moment of recognition. Suddenly it simply is, what it is = POP! and you know what it is. That little momemt of partial recognition is an interesting place and in meditation can vastly improve ones ability to stay in that hushed moment much longer. Drawing on the moment has huge potential for anyone willing to work on staying in a timeless moment.

    Your words meant to me that when you get an idea you don't just dismiss it as being something you are unable to work with. You stay with the idea and let the seed idea grow. You keep faith that it will turn into something usable. Something other people might be interested in and then POP.
    Like you say:
    "It is that little magic moment when the brain is working like mad for that moment of recognition. Suddenly it is what it is=POP and you know what it is." <--Repeat of robertgrist.
    I used to have POP often and then I lost confidence. Maybe I can do that again.
    I've been reading I just started. Maybe you'd like to read a little of what he has to say. He writes the comedy Big, Bang Theory. Take care, dear friend. S

    yes,because it is our writing and we should do it like imagining it feeling it or doing it thats why we should do it for ourselves.....

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