    Religious Gurus, please step inside.

    In biblical  history, the first murder was Cain murdering Abel.  Can you clarify the murder weapon Cain used?? I hear from one that it was a rock, another says it was a club, then another says it was a knife.

    one says that he used a club to kill him then gutted him with a knife making for a real mess. What's the story here??  I have always heard it was a knife. 

    +6  Views: 1272 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago




    My wife who is very up on biblical happenings said it was a slingshot. LOL!!!! This from a person that sleeps with the bible on her nightstand. HA!!! I love it!!



    She's got it mixed up with that other believable Biblical tale: the one about the diminutive David and gargantuan Goliath.
    For her next birthday, get her a copy of "50 shades of gray"...a much more practical "guide" for the bedroom nightstand. I'm just saying;-)

    Digger, She was just kidding (i think) She really does know the preachings of the bible, although she's no bible thumper by far. She was raised southern Baptist or Pentecostal, i forgot but I came along (the satan) and confused her so much she has now become a realist.

    8 Answers

    He slew him with a big slew, a really big slew.


    I have a really big slew of bills I gotta pay tonight. Your answer is not working out for me. TY...!

    Ahh, you're lacking the SCOTTISH.
    You should see the size of my Slew.

    Och aye, ye ur correct, Ah dinnae hae th' scottish.

    Guid tae hear.
    Beware of my slew.

    James says it was a rock and I agree. A rock makes sense. Not a knife (yet)……...


    I always thought it was a rock , raised up in anger. Must look into this again. The connection with, " Don't throw stones". And being Stoned to Death ... Hmmmm things to think about.

    I’ll research it tomorrow and get back to you on it……...

    I, as well.

    They were farmers, did they plow the firlds with rocks?? LOL! A pointed object may not necessarily be a knife but in writing it may be construed as a knife.

    I actually think that they were fighting like brothers and Abel got knocked down and hit his head and died. A fellow here is doing some serious time for doing the same thing………..

    He also could have used the "Power of MIND MELD" ... that could be why it was never recorded. Hard to explain that Power of Mind Meld thing.

    Fishy, I understand the 'Mind Meld' thing, I'm a Vulcan. :)

    I knew it!

    Really?? What gave it away?? my pointed ears or my lack of emotional display??

    You’re making me paranoid, Vinny

    Don't worry about it, as long as I can't reach you with the Vulcan sleeper hold and I can't place my hands on your head for the mind melding process you're safe. However, please understand, we do walk amongst you. Fear those that have long hair over their ears or wear a pullover hat.

    The lack of emotional display... difficult to spot at first, Vinny. Your pointy ears are very, very difficult to spot from this massive a distance.


    Maybe he strangled him, Vinny

    The jawbone of a donkey did a bit of slewing in another part of the bible.Maybe Cain had one too.

    Some early interpreters specified that Cain used a stone to kill Abel (e.g., Jubilees 4:31: “He [Cain] killed Abel with a stone”). The biblical author clearly has no interest in supplying his readers with this information. But ancient interpreters assumed that clues were hidden in the text, and that attentive reading—which is the only worthy posture for reading Scripture—will reveal these clues eventually.

    Some interpreters saw in Genesis 4:8 a clue revealing the implement used. Cain killed Abel “in the field,” and so he must have used something that he could have readily found in the field: a stone. Although such details do not typically interest modern readers, we, too, commonly make inferences about what biblical texts do not say in light of what they do say.

    Jubilees is known as "lesser Genesis" and is a Hebrew collection of 50 chapters of existence.


    In the field could he also have a knife? any pointed object could kill and just the modern term of knife doesn't meen a knife didn't exist. As I have read, they were farmers, certainly even in the weakest form of translation, they had to have used some implement for harvesting and such. But on the otherhand, what were they farming since it was only adam/Eve/Cain and abel. Not much. and what was cain's jealousy based on? There was no women, there was no class of people, there was only the four of them which brings up another question. how did the other people show up, where did they come from, who was the second woman to conceive?? did Cain perform incest with his mother eve??

    and you wonder why there are so many non-believers?? because it makes no sense!!!

    My thought is there were more than Adam and Eve created, but the Bible relates THEIR lives for us, possibly because of the murder. I don't know; maybe I shouldn't have offered an answer, as I am not a Religious Guru.
    It makes perfect sense there would be so many non-believers. Most of us want things in a nice package with all our questions logically answered for our limited intelligence.
    We want something for nothing. If God is all-knowing and all-loving, why wouldn't everyone have a free pass to Heaven/Eternal Life. You tell me.
    I fully support "your" right to not believe the Holy Bible, but I don't support "your" right to ridicule or harass "the fools" who choose to have faith and believe, myself included.
    I "googled" the question and, as I often do, copied the response which I found in my search.
    I believe Cain's jealousy was based on the sacrifices offered by the two brothers.
    Say, how about that Civil War! How much of that do you believe??

    Actually I am agnostic, Factual Agnosticism---"I neither have a belief nor do I have a belief in the absence of such.

    I have no problems accepting anyone's beliefs, each of us have a logical brain that works for us in what it 'thinks' is best for us. Everyone has a right to their beliefs. I question some beliefs simply because i want to understand, I do not question religious beliefs to humor myself. History is one of my better subjects, biblical or world history. I don't question to change it, I question for the understanding. Too many people today have their own interest first, too many people are offended on other's customs and beliefs. I wish the day would come that everyone would live their own lives rather than spending so much time trying to changes other lives.


    A Louisville Slugger.


    I don’t know and was not there at the time.

    nice, nice

    smart answer! lol!
    nice, nice

    thanks for giving me a TU!

    (848.5) 76:2.5 The boys were respectively eighteen and twenty years of age when the tension between them was finally resolved, one day, when Abel’s taunts so infuriated his bellicose brother that Cain turned upon him in wrath and slew him.

    (848.6) 76:2.6 The observation of Abel’s conduct establishes the value of environment and education as factors in character development. Abel had an ideal inheritance, and heredity lies at the bottom of all character; but the influence of an inferior environment virtually neutralized this magnificent inheritance. Abel, especially during his younger years, was greatly influenced by his unfavorable surroundings. He would have become an entirely different person had he lived to be twenty-five or thirty; his superb inheritance would then have shown itself. While a good environment cannot contribute much toward really overcoming the character handicaps of a base heredity, a bad environment can very effectively spoil an excellent inheritance, at least during the younger years of life. Good social environment and proper education are indispensable soil and atmosphere for getting the most out of a good inheritance.

    (849.1) 76:2.7 The death of Abel became known to his parents when his dogs brought the flocks home without their master. To Adam and Eve, Cain was fast becoming the grim reminder of their folly, and they encouraged him in his decision to leave the garden.

    The Urantia papers did not mention what weapon was used , but considering the story, he may have either broken Abel’s neck or perhaps Abel fell onto a rock during a brawl.
    nice, nice

    what is this?! :-(

    The Urantia Book is the celestial vision of relevant history on “Earth”.
    nice, nice

    u have a book! lol!

    The entire book is free, on-line in searchable .pdf format. I have some paper copies for reader group meetings and other books of a similar origin.
    nice, nice

    wow! u wrote this book?!

    The Urantia book was “channeled” ( a form of automatic handwriting) by a man in Chicago who kept his wife awake at night by talking in his sleep. She took him to a psychiatrist who recorded what he was saying in his sleep. He thought he might share some of what he was saying from his recording machine to entertain friends at a party. together they decided to compile this into a book and published it in 1934. You can hold your mouth shut now….It went into printing in 1955 so far as I know. There are several “channeled” books like this that have been published, reprinted, translated and so forth like the Bible has since the dawn of time. Many are published and in print like “A Sorry Story” available from the Smithsonian bookstore channeled by a modestly educated woman around 1900. That book is about the life and times of Jesus describing the social-economic times then.
    nice, nice

    and how do u know all this. btw? :)

    Research…that is my past and present. I like to research a range of subjects and have done so all of my life. Physics, religions, psychiatry, psychology, etc. I’ll be 70 in March.
    nice, nice

    k.k.! u a scientist.......just asking! lol! :-)

    Inventing a lot of stuff and getting fame and glory are two completely different objectives. To me fame is pointless and money is a treacherous responsibility that should be avoided if possible. Many inventions bring false claims and threats to their originator. Why bother? I prefer to live free and the opinion of me I sell, is insane. Works for me! and Thank you.
    nice, nice

    so are u? :(

    If God had invented the camera, we could enlarge the photos and look at them.  Or maybe forensics would tell...

    I'm not religious, but I don't think that the Bible even says how Cain killed Abel. I think that it just says something like "he rose up and slew him." But hey, don't listen to me because I should be the last person to comment on religious issues.


    Ok, I won't listen to you.. LOL!! Keep up the good work, carry on...

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