    Can you give me a list of smelly animals

    I'm looking for a long list of smelly animals

    0  Views: 1662 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    All animals smell, including the human animal, these animals like to be different...

    Here is a list of the 7 smelliest animals:

    Bears and elephants.  Rat urine isn't pleasant either! 

    a skunk

    I don't think dogs smell so good. Why do you want to make a list of smelly animals? It's an unusual request~not that there's anything wrong with it.       Seinfeld

    nice, nice

    dogs smell good only when they have had a proper bath! that is what i feel!

    They smell a whale of a lot better after their shave, shampoo and shower ... but even then ,,,
    I'll start again. I agree with you kinda, sorta ... You're right, nice, nice! : )

    Nicey, you're right. I've been in homes where they didn't keep their dog clean and the whole house smelled like a dirty dog.

    Have you ever been in a house where they don't keep their cats clean?. I knew a woman who had a really pricy house but I was unable to go in because it stunk of cats SO BAD. I gagged. The spray is what got to me. How did we get on this. ha.

    I can't imagine dogs smelling like that.
    nice, nice

    trust me i know how some dogs smell because i had a dog and even though we bathe her! she still used to smell a little OFF! because she used to roll in the mud!


    a human that doesn't take baths

    You guys should tour the cow barn and the pig barn at Mich State University . If you think the cow barn smells bad, wait till you get to the pig barn. It stinks to high heaven !

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